Tourism & Travel Trade Shows 2011

IT&CM China 2011 13-15 April 2011, Shanghai, China. India Travel & IT Mart 2011 11-13 August 2011, Hyderabad, India

Thursday, September 27, 2007


WORLD TOURISM DAY 2007 - “TOURISM OPENS DOORS FOR WOMEN” - THINK TANK: THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN TOURISM Bentota, Sri Lanka, 27 September 2007 – On the occasion of World Tourism Day 2007 hosted by Sri Lanka in Bentota, a Think Tank was held on this year’s theme ”Tourism Opening Doors For Women” and its inter-relationship with the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Under the Chairpersonship of H.E. Mrs Nilofar Bakhatiar, a group predominantly of women who have played prominent roles in Tourism around the world discussed:
• The importance of women in the tourism sector.
• Improving the role of women in tourism.
• Accentuating the role of women particularly in developing countries.
During the discussion the following issues were raised:
1. The need for AWARENESS CREATION about the opportunities for women and their concerns amongst general policy makers and amongst women themselves.
2. Creating APPROPRIATE POLICY FRAMEWORKS FOR WOMEN´S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT with tourism as a primary component so that the sector is integrated into mainstream policy making.
3. The requirement not only to open doors, but to MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR WOMEN TO GO THROUGH THEM, including good training, development programmes, targeted information, decent and equal pay, good career development, family support structures and frameworks for ensuring self-respect.
4. The PARTICULAR OPPORTUNITIES presented by agro tourism, ecotourism, health and wellness, and the creative sector.
5. The importance of GETTING THE DIVERSE PRIVATE SECTOR ACTIVELY INVOLVED AS WELL AS NGOs AND THE MEDIA; with a fundamental requirement for the Public Sector to put in place and implement legislation for equal opportunity, equal pay and fair working conditions. In respect to the latter, note was taken of the need to address unreasonable working hours particularly for women with families.
6. The value of SHOWCASING WOMEN with fulfilling jobs at all levels, as well as those showing leadership and career progression.
7. The timeliness of this discussion in relation to broader action on gender equality and of UNWTO, WITH THE SUPPORT OF UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women), CHAMPIONING THIS ISSUE, as well as the importance of carrying this forward into a defined programme and action plan.
8. The DANGER OF SELF-DELUSION in considering primarily the beneficial aspects of tourism and women while ignoring the darker side of exploitation, harassment, abuse and marginalization.
9. The significance of INCREASED ACCESS TO CREDIT FACILITIES to encourage women entrepreneurs, and the proven reliability of women in meeting the conditions.
10. The absence of RELIABLE INFORMATION at a global, regional and national level, and the importance of such information for effective decision making & monitoring.
Against this background the following conclusions were reached:
• To initiate a UNWTO – UNIFEM annual report on the state of Women in Tourism.
• To make this an ANNUAL FORUM and to establish a broader biennial worldwide conference.
• To foster a NETWORK of activists, ambassadors and advocates to support the work of the UNWTO Special Advisor on Women in Tourism, and the establishment of a TASK FORCE to develop a draft Programme of Activity.
• To put in place a DATA COLLECTION system including desk research, case studies and alignment with the Tourism Satellite Account where feasible.
• To expand the website into a PORTAL for gathering and presenting information, and serving as a framework for continuing focus; as well as a resource pool for gathering and sharing.
• To develop with partners an AWARENESS CAMPAIGN aimed at the industry, governments, media and women themselves, as well as the creation of a global AWARDS SCHEME.
• To strongly urge UNWTO and its Member States to take affirmative action within their power to actively involve women, from all social, economic and cultural spheres, into strategy, policy and operational decision making.
• To urge UNWTO to emphasize these issues within the framework of its Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
World Tourism Day 2007 is an occasion to celebrate women’s achievements in the tourism sector and stimulate continuous action in support of UN’s 3rd Millennium Development Goal: Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment through to 2015 and beyond.
World Tourism Day is commemorated on 27 September each year by appropriate events on themes selected by UNWTO's General Assembly, on recommendation of the Executive Council. This date was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes on 27 September 1970 and designated as World Tourism Day by the UN General Assembly.

For further information please contact:UNWTO Media Section
T: (34) 91-567-81 94 / (34) 91-567-81 00 / F: (34) 91-567-8218
E: / W:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Tourism + Media
Emerging destinations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are convinced that tourism is one of the best ways to boost their economies and are calling on the media to help put them on the world tourism map. Tourism officials from 37 countries began a two-day meeting with international and local media representatives as part of the Tourcom Conference on Strategic Communications, organized by UNWTO and the Government of Georgia in the country’s capital, Tbilisi.
In opening the conference, Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli highlighted his Government’s commitment to tourism development: “With its rich history, culture and geographical diversity Georgia is quickly becoming an attractive travel destination. We are investing in hotels, restaurants (for our spectacular cuisine), transport and, most importantly, training. Of vital interest to us is the care of historic cities and towns and the survival of the Georgian culture of hospitality that every visitor wishes to experience.”
The two-day conference brings together more than 200 participants, including journalists from BBC World, eTurbo, international news agencies, newspapers in Europe and the United States, including the famous Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler on his first visit to Georgia.
“The relationship between tourism and the media is vital and complex,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Francesco Frangialli in his inaugural address. “Tourism is highly dependant on media reporting because the vast majority of travel decisions are made by people who have never seen the destination first hand for themselves.”
When there is bad news or crisis the impact on tourism can be devastating. “Tourists are scared away from destinations caught in the glare of round-the-clock disaster coverage, causing communities dependent on tourism to lose their source of livelihood,” the Secretary-General added.
Preparing for a crisis and improving relations with the media are two of the objectives of the conference – which is the fifth in a series of regional Tourcom meetings organized by UNWTO. Delegates will also discuss the potential of Silk Road tourism and how to better promote this legendary route so that tourists will begin to travel along the trails once used by camel caravans.
Other sessions will focus on the use of internet and new communications technologies, as well as the development of public-private partnerships in tourism.
Georgia – with its Black Sea resorts and abundant natural attractions – aims to become one of Europe’s premier tourism destinations by 2020. Towards this goal, three new airports have been opened in the last three years, increasing air traffic tenfold. International hotel chains, including Hyatt, Radisson and Kempinski, are entering the Georgian market. Together with the President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili, the UNWTO Secretary-General on Monday inaugurated a new tourism school that will train workers needed to staff the growing industry.

For further information please contact:UNWTO Media Section
T: (34) 91-567-8194 / (34) 91-567-8100 / F: (34) 91-567-8218

Siem Reap, Still the Popular Destination of Cambodia

Arrivals to Cambodia soared 19.46% in the first seven months of the year with Siem Reap’s attractions gaining the biggest share.

In the first seven months of 2007, Cambodia welcomed 1,118,659 international visitors, a 19.46% increase over the same period last year.

The million milestone is considered significant for the country, which is still struggling to develop infrastructure and broaden its attractions base to other destinations other than Siem Reap.

Arrivals to Siem Reap province increased to 678,422 for a 60.65% share of the nation's total, and reflected a 50.17% jump over 2006. Meanwhile, Phnom Penh and other destinations brought in a combined 440,237 visitors for a 39.35% market share.

Air arrivals climbed 34.94% to hit 743,217 for a 66.44% share. This figure included flights to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap international airports.

Arrivals at Phnom Penh International Airport climbed 30.42% to 301,175 visitors during the period for a 26.92% share, while Siem Reap International Airport welcomed 442,042 visitor arrivals on a 38.20% jump for a 39.52% share.

Travellers arriving via land and waterways made up 29.45% of the total visitors at 329,401.
Visitors arriving by land totalled 305,717 for a 27.33% share.

Waterway transfers tallied 23,684 visitor arrivals for a 2.12% share on a 7.83% increase. Same-day visitors accounted for 46,041, with a 4.12% share.

Again topping the arrivals chart was the Republic of Korea with 221,381 for a 19.79% share on an increase of 32.28% over last year. Japan ranked second, climbing 4.57% to 83,913 visitors for a 7.50% share, followed by the fast-closing US, with 81,106 arrivals, representing a 7.25% share on a 14.59% improvement, when compared with the same period last year.

Rounding out the top 10 were Taiwan at 70,998 (+71.31%), Vietnam at 70,688 (+65.41%), China at 65,628 (+54.74%), Thailand at 53,238 (+30.14%), France at 49,056 (+26.59%), the United Kingdom at 48,746 (+23.37%) and Malaysia at 47,182 (+11.01%).

Meanwhile, revenue from tickets sales at Cambodia's Angkor Archeological Park increased by 33% during the first six months of the year.

Apsara Authority reported that ticket sales up until the end of June reached US$16 million, a 33% jump from the same period in 2006.

The revenue from tickets was boosted by an improvement in arrivals from Asian counties such as China, Japan and South Korea.

Statistics appeared to indicate that business improved even in the traditional low-seaon months.

Investors eye Cambodia

Korean government may support moves to create a new Cambodian flagship carrier.

Negotiations to establish a new national airline are making progress, a Cambodian government source confirmed last week.

The source said: “There have been various negotiations with multiple parties and it is possible that the Cambodian government may form a new joint venture with the Korea government to set up the Cambodian flag carrier.”

The source said it was understood that close ties between the governments of Korea and Cambodia could result in a decision favouring a Korean company to establish a national airline.

In recent years, the Korean government has provided funds for various projects in Cambodia related to tourism and transport.

According to the source, the proposed joint venture could result in the Cambodian government holding a 51% share and its Korean partner the balance.

The same source reported rumours also suggested that the owners of Phuket Airlines was one of the airlines talking with Cambodian officials.

TTR Weekly contacted Phuket Airlines vice chairman, Chairat Meksukree, who did not deny the report, but refused to confirm it or give additional information on the results of talks with Cambodia.

There are also reports that the government heldl talks with a Korea investor, a company that is also trying to cut a deal to take over the former Royal Khmer Airlines.

The same source said the government was also planning to boost the country's aviation sector by allowing more airlines to operate international and domestic routes.

Bangkok Airways also has a plan to start direct service from Bangkok to Cambodia’s most famous beach destination, Sihanoukville, probably by early next year.

After speaking with private sector and government officials earlier this month, Prime Minister, Hun Sen, explained his aspirations to establish a national airline in the near future.

Mr Hun Sen said it was unclear when a new airline might be formed, or by whom, but talks were underway between the government and aviation companies.

The premier down played the impact on tourism, that resulted from not having a national airline. Tourism is one of the few sources of foreign exchange revenue for the country.

Royal Air Cambodge, Cambodia’s national airline,was declared bankrupt in October 2001, after running up losses of US$45.7 million. The Cambodian government owned 60% of the shares in that airline. Naluri, a Malaysian company formerly known as Malaysian Helicopter Service, owned the remaining 40%.

As of 31 July, Cambodia welcomed 743,217 air passenger arrivals, a 34.94% increase from the same period last year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Royal Orchid Holidays Takes Buddhist Pilgrimage to India

Royal Orchid Holidays returns to India in October to take Buddhists to the Four Holy Sites.

Royal Orchid Holidays is bringing back its pilgrimage to the Four Holy Places of Buddhism in India , as Thai Airways International commences operating seasonal services to Gaya and Veranasi in India in its up-coming winter schedule.

The seven-day/six-night full board tour is priced at Bt43,630, based on double occupancy and includes return economy airfare on the Bangkok-Gaya-Veranasi-Bangkok route, coach transportation, accommodation, meals, entrance fees at attractions, Thai airport tax, visa fees and a guide plus approximately Bt4,300 for Indian airport tax and surcharges.

There are six travel periods available from December through March 2008.

The pilgrimage circuit visits Lumbini, the birthplace of the Lord Buddha; Bodh Gaya and Mahabhodi, the place of His enlightenment; Sarnath, the scene of His first teaching and Kusinara, the place of His death or final Nirvana.

It will also feature other significant Buddhism sites at the ancient Magadha city, Falgu (Niranjana) River, Veluvana Temple , Nalanda and the Ganges River as well as participate in religious services .
For more information, Tel: +66 2 288 7155.

The travel industry is just waking up to the economic power of women

Travel Insights from the US market

• With 32 million trips taken last year, US women - young, old, single, married, divorced, widowed, mothers, daughters and sisters - have become a driving force in the travel industry. Estimates are that women will spend some US$ 125 billion on travel in the next year.
• 80 per cent of all travel decisions are made by women regardless of who they travel with, who pays for the trip or where they go
• A woman is the decision maker
• 75 per cent of those who take cultural, adventure or nature trips are women
• 230 per cent increase in number of women-only travel companies in past six years
• Women-- young, old, single, married, and widowed are fueling an explosive growth in the travel industry
• By 2010, women are expected to control 60 per cent of the country's wealth and they are travelling
• With 67 million participants, the potential of the women's market exceeds US$ 19 trillion annually
• Women also travel differently than men do
• 87 per cent of women say they go for beautiful scenery, compared with 72 per cent of men, according to Market Researcher Yesawich, Pepperdine, Brown & Russell
• While statistics are limited, an estimated 32 million single American women traveled at least once in the last year, and about three in 10 made tracks five times or more, according to the Travel Industry Association
• Bachelorette-hood: The number of single women age 35 and older has been increasing and now totals 28 million, the Census Bureau says
• The average adventure traveler is not a 28-year old male, but a 47-year-old female. And she wears a size 12 dress
• Women spend an average of US$ 295 annually per individual on outdoor apparel and equipment according to outdoor
• Who's travelling? Women - young, old, single, married, widowed and gutsy are fuelling an explosive growth in the travel industry
• Many older women are also experiencing this rite of passage
• An increasing portion of solo female travellers are Baby Boomers and single mothers.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tourism Investment Confrence, Seoul, Korea

Tourism Investment Meeting to Open in Seoul
An international tourism investment convention will be held in Seoul in November to help information distribution and program promotion within the tourism industry.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) will host the Asia-Pacific Tourism Investment Conference and Expo 2007 at COEX in southern Seoul from Nov. 1 through 3.
About 4,000 people from the tourism industry are expected to take part in the event. They will promote their tourism projects to attract investment, share up-to-date tourism information, and form networks among local authorities and investors.
During the conference, world-renowned experts in tourism development and investment will give presentations on new paradigms and trends.
Thomas Williams, chairman and CEO of Universal Parks and Resorts, will deliver a keynote speech at the opening. Some 30 dignitary representatives from each tourism sector will also take part in eight sessions: Eric Bello, vice president of sales at Venetian Macau, for the casino industry; Paul Logan, vice president for development at InterContinental Hotel Group Asia Pacific, for hotel investment; Bernhard Bohnenberger, managing director at Six Sense Spas and Resorts, for medical tourism; and Robert Lee, executive director at Nakheel, for tourism development projects.More than 100 local authorities and tourism agencies from both Korea and the world will also introduce their projects.
``Through the conference, we hope Korea's tourism industry will expand tourism infrastructure and attract investments from various sources without going overseas to get them,'' a KTO official said.

Luxury travel new craze among millionaires in India

If luxury is about indulging, sans the boundaries, then owning a private jet or yacht is the ultimate in luxury travel for the Indian millionaires.

Luxury travel has arrived in India and is moving very fast— from speedboats to luxury yachts, from small four-seater aircraft to bigger brands.
Indian corporate houses—Reliance Industries , Videocon, UB Group, Raymond, GMR, Bharat Hotels, Taj Air, Oberoi et alare all buying private jets such as Falcons, Cessnas, Bombardiers, Beech Kings and Gulfstreams in large numbers. The new-age Indian traveller wants to travel not only in comfort but also save time, and at his convenience. With money not being the deciding factor, orders for private jets shot up to more than 45 last year while nearly 100 new yachts are expected to enter the India market this year.
“It’s easy for luxury companies to enter India now. People are spending not just for investment but to indulge as well,” says Malav Shroff, director, Mumbai Boat Show. With a 7,000-km-long coastline, the potential is immense . In fact, in 2005, 22 more craft of different types and sizes anchored in the Mumbai harbour alone.
Industry estimates peg this market at $1,500 million. The mid-segment average spend, according to industry, would be approximately Rs 30-50 lakh while the luxury spend would average at Rs 3.5 crore which could go up to Rs 10-12 crore for high end brands like Ferritti. “People are becoming richer, rich are becoming superrich . In times to come not only big business houses but small business men too will own private jets or charter business planes to save time,” says Club One Air managing director Manav Singh.
Besides flexibility and convenience, owning a private jet is a status symbol in India, according to Eurocopter sales manager (South Asia) Ludovic Boistot.
The luxury travel market is not just limited to the “usual suspects” in metros, tier II cities and non-metros too are throwing up business. Sample this: Cochin is the new hub for private boats. Bellary has one of the highest numbers of private aircraft. Of the nearly 50 private jets in India, eight (including choppers) belong to Bellary where mine owners rule the roost.
Industry experts say marketing is an important tool to make luxury travel a countrywide phenomenon. “At present the demand is high in metro cities. It will percolate down but it depends how the marketing is done,” says Shroff. Agrees Singh, who feels educating the consumer is critical. “There are around 8,000-10 ,000 people today who can buy their own aircraft, but they are not aware that it’s not an expensive affair to buy one.”
Even as the wealthy take to skies, the question is whether we have the infrastructure to match this growth? “There are not enough parking slots and hangars for business jets,” says Singh. And it’s not only infrastructure which is spoiling the party. There is dearth of manpower too. “There is shortage of pilots and technicians to maintain the helicopters,” says Boistot, who is otherwise quite gung-ho about India’s potential. And the same holds for the yachts which face a complete lack of marinas.
Bottlenecks and issues, yes. But it is definitely jet, set and go for Indians who want to indulge in GenNext travel.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Advertising Vietnam's Tourism on CNN

High hopes on advertising Vietnam’s tourism on CNN
With only one video clip broadcast for 30 seconds a day for three consecutive months on CNN, will Vietnam’s tourism gain fame in the world worth US$290,000 of expenses?

Speaking with the press about the $290,000 advertising contract of Vietnam tourism on CNN, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh said that the tourism sector aimed to welcome 4.3-4.5 million foreign visitors in 2007. If tourism advertising activities are performed well, the country can reach this target.
Why it is CNN, not Travel & Living or any other channel?
CNN is the most popular television channel in the world so the advertising impacts will be stronger. Firstly we advertise Vietnam tourism on CNN and then others.
Under our deal, CNN will directly make the video clip on Vietnam tourism. Any video clip produced by other television channels will not be broadcast on CNN. That’s CNN’s rules.
What is the content of that video clip?
It will be images of the land and people of Vietnam. The video clip will be shot at Ha Long Bay, Hue city, Da Nang city, Hanoi and HCM City. The clip will focus on typical images of Vietnamese culture, landscape, and people.
CNN makes this clip but only when we agree, it will be broadcast.Vietnam has launched a movement to vote for Ha Long Bay as a world natural heritage site so that clip will have the images of Ha Long Bay.
There will be different video clips or only one broadcast on CNN?
There is only one clip. Continuous broadcast the same images can make impressions on viewers. The clip will be broadcast for 30 seconds each time, over three months, at peak hours of CNN. However, we have not agreed on the specific time.
The initially estimated expense for this programme was up to US$450,000 but it is now nearly $300,000, why?
That’s the result of our successful negotiation with CNN. Our budget is limited so we asked for their assistance.
This contract benefits both sides. Vietnam can advertise its tourism through CNN while CNN will know more about Vietnam tourism. That’s one way to help CNN have more audiences.
The effect of this advertising programme will be surely good. Not only tourists but also other audiences will know about Vietnam’s land and people.
When will it start?
We have planned for October but the specific day is not determined yet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Travel Agencies - “Online a must if you want to survive”

Travel agencies with any aspirations for the future must have an online presence, says Abacus International's Don Birch.
And he offered this advice – don't take on the big boys, use the internet as a customer and marketing tool and build an area based on product or a specialised area.
"The big boys spend multi-millions on marketing and their technology, there is no way you can compete. The question you have to ask is, how do I use this facility to better engage with my customers."
Supplementing Birch's comments, Brett Henry, Abacus vice president for agency marketing, said, "That doesn't mean you can't compete but don't look at what someone else is doing, for example, Expedia and copying it.
"Take everything your company is today and replicate it in two dimensions and deliver the same service on both fronts. You must be very clear about your business model."
Cautioning that "the online game is not a cheap story", Birch said, "You have to make mistakes. If you have to any aspirations for the future, you've got to have an online presence and work out how it matches with your product and specialization."
Abacus recognised three online players at its gala awards ceremony at the closing of its conference in Sabah – ezTravel, Taiwan; Zuji Singapore and Make My Trip, India.
The GDS also recognized agencies in non-air content – Farrington American Express Travel Services, Hong Kong (non-air content, hotels and cars); and Travel Expert, Hong Kong (travel insurance).
It also awarded travel agents who topped their respective markets in bookings, such as Farrington American Express Travel Service, Hong Kong, TOP TRAVEL SERVICE, Korea, American Express international, Taiwan, Akbar Travels of India, Holiday Tours & Travel, Malaysia, Manila International Travel and Tours, the Philippines, Safe2Travel, Singapore, and Hong Ngoc Ha, Vietnam.

Tourism remains Malaysia’s star performer

Malaysia will bank on tourism to play an integral part in boosting the country's economy and coffers in the coming years.

With this in mind the government allocated a whopping RM858 million (US$ 373 million) in its Budget 2008 to enhance the country's attractions, diversify the tourism products as well as upgrade the tourism facilities.

In presenting the Budget last Friday Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi also gave a leg up for homestay by allocating RM22 million to increase such activities in 47 selected villages. In addition, the development of ecotourism projects will be undertaken to generate income for the rural community, including Orang Asli.

The Malaysia Economic Report 2007/2008, released on the same day as Budget 2008, attested to the bright future of the tourism industry. It projects tourist arrivals to increase to 21.5 million next year, raking in RM49 billion, contributing 7.2 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP with the continued aggressive and focused promotional programmes.

By 2010 the number of tourist arrivals could increase to 24.6 million, generating receipts totalling RM59.4 billion and providing 520,700 jobs.

With the Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2007 campaign being well received as reflected in higher tourist arrivals in the first six months of this year, the Treasury estimates the gross receipts to expand further and contribute 7.1 per cent to the GDP this year.

The bulk of the tourists is expected from ASEAN countries, followed by Japan, China and Australia.

The industry's gross receipts have been steadily increasing at an average rate of 14.1 per cent a year between 2000 and 2006.

Tourist spending remains the main contributor to earnings in the services account, generating 45.3 per cent of gross receipts on an annual basis.

The Treasury said travel outflows are also on the rise as more Malaysians travel abroad for business, leisure, education, health and pilgrimage.

Strong tourist spending had cushioned outflows in the services account as reflected in the higher net inflows posted over the period.

Net inflows doubled from RM11.2 billion in 2000 to RM23.5 billion in 2006, significantly improving the deficit in the service account.

In addition to the VMY campaign, the Treasury said the government was embarking on a number of strategies to raise Malaysia's image as a premier, quality and value-for-money destination.

The focus will be on quality to change the present composition of tourist arrivals by giving more attention to the long haul and higher-yield segments.

To achieve this, the private sector is expected to come up with more interesting, creative and value-for-money products, especially in the development of niche products, and to raise service standards and quality to meet the demands of high-end tourists, it added.

The Malaysian travel industry welcomed the good news, adding that the allocation would further boost Malaysia's lure as the region's leading tourist destination.

Ngiam Foon, President of the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents said with upgraded facilities, such as better information counter, Malaysia would be able to attract more tourists.


Monday, September 10, 2007


"Synergy of ASEAN Towards Dynamic Unity in Diversity"

The theme for the ATF 2008, 'Synergies of ASEAN: Towards Dynamic Unity in Diversity' is a very appropriate and timely one, and will prove to be one of significance. Southeast Asians, although with separate distinctive cultures, are closely linked together and stand on common ground and goals on paving the progressive roads for future prosperity.
The ASEAN Tourism Forum 2008 (ATF 2008), the annual travel industry summit of the 10 member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, is to be held in Bangkok between 18-26 January, 2008.

Bearing the theme, "Synergy of ASEAN towards Dynamic Unity in Diversity," the annual gathering of high-level ASEAN tourism public and private sector officials, airlines, and hundreds of buyers of ASEAN tourism products is designed to showcase the best of ASEAN tourism products and services.

Mrs. Phornsiri Manoharn, TAT Governor said, “Thailand is proud to once again welcome all delegates to ATF 2008. We last hosted the ATF in 2000, the first one of the 21st century.
“By 2008, we expect that many of the growth-drivers, such as low-cost airlines, open skies, improved road and rail networks, will be in place”.

“Clearly the issues of the future will be managing the growth to come. This is going to be our biggest challenge and we expect the ATF 2008 to provide the industry with an appropriate forum to openly discuss these issues in pursuit of constructive, positive, and long-term solutions.”

Mrs Phornsiri said TAT is working with Thai Airways International, the ASEAN airlines, travel trade associations, and other public and private sector organizations to ensure the success of this event.

She said the delegates will also get to see many of the changes taking place in Thailand, such as the new niche market products called “Amazing Wonders of Thailand,” as well as the new Royal Initiative Discovery products highlighting the long-term value of His Majesty the King’s sufficiency economy concepts.

The official programme will begin on 18 January, 2008, with the meetings of the ASEAN Tourism Task Forces at Sofitel Central Hotel. The meetings of the ASEAN National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) will held on 19-20 January.

A half-day meeting of the NTOs of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea (ASEAN+3) will be held on 20 January at the Sofitel Central Hotel. The ASEAN Tourism Ministers, Airlines, Hoteliers and Travel Agents will hold their respective meetings on 21 January, 2008.

The buyer-and-seller trade show, called TRAVEX, will be held between 22-25 January at the Challenger 2, Impact Exhibition and Convention Centre, the world’s largest column-free exhibition hall, Asia’s largest indoor exhibition centre and Thailand’s largest ballroom. About 400 sellers, 450 buyers, and 150 media are expected to attend.

Several complimentary pre- and post-tours are being organised by TAT together with Thai Airways and the private sector to take buyers and the media to various ASEAN destinations in line with the theme "Synergy of ASEAN Towards Dynamic Unity in Diversity."

Mrs Phornsiri said, “ASEAN member countries are making continuous improvements in our tourism products such as new destinations and facilities. These tours will help introduce these exciting developments.”

For more details and on-line registration, please check out

Thursday, September 6, 2007

PAL makes it to World Airline Rankings

Philippine Airlines made it to the 2006 World Airline Rankings, a ranking of the top 150 airlines in the world, acknowledged as the most comprehensive survey of the airline industry as compiled by the respected aviation journal Airline Business.

PAL was the only Philippine airline included. PAL ranked 61st in terms of revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs), the industry yardstick for passenger traffic, with over 16 million RPKs flown in 2006. That put the flag carrier ahead of such Asian peers as Garuda Indonesia (64th place) and Vietnam Airlines (78th), European rivals Scandinavian Airlines (85th) and CSA Czech Airlines (99th), and U.S. regional carriers Hawaiian Airlines (82nd) and Continental Micronesia (134th).

PAL also flew a little over 21 million available seat kilometers (ASKs) -- the industry measure for total seat capacity offered -- in 2006, which, taken with its 16 million RPKs flown, meant that PAL operated flights close to capacity.

PAL also chalked an average load factor of 76 percent to earn a place as among the highest in the survey, matching or surpassing survey leaders British Airways (76 percent), Lufthansa (75 percent) and Japan Airlines (68.5 percent).

In terms of revenue, PAL was 68th in the rankings, with $1.39 billion earned last year. This enabled PAL to outstrip fellow legacy carriers Gulf Air (69th), Garuda Indonesia (76th), Brazil’s Varig (80th) and the UAE’s Etihad Airways (101st).

Among Asia-Pacific carriers, PAL’s revenue performance landed it 20th place in a highly competitive group that included two of the top ten airlines in the world, headed by Japan Airlines.

The survey results were published in the August 2007 edition of Airline Business, which is based in the United Kingdom. Both members and non-members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) were equally rated.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Malaysia initiates ‘prosper thy neighbor’ policy

It is ultimately to turn Malaysia’s airports into regional air hubs for its Southeast Asian neighbors as the goal for Malaysia in initiating a new policy. It is poised to boost tourism and air connectivity in Southeast Asia.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (eTN) - The surge of economic corridors announced by the Malaysian government recently has spurred its Southeast Asian neighbors to keep on eye for Malaysia's "prosper-thy-neighbor" policy.

Malaysia's willingness to share its experience and success in drawing up to 20 million visitors to the country has encouraged Indonesian national carrier Garuda to propose the use of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) as its regional "air hub" over Singapore following Malaysia's success.

After a successful meeting with tourism officials from Jogjakarta and Solo in Indonesia recently, Malaysian Tourism Minister Tengku Adnan has proposed establishing a "tourism bridge' with Indonesia. Under this initiative, Malaysia is hoping to develop travel products that allow the "exchange" of tourists from the Middle East in return for Indonesia promoting Malaysia to Russian and Australian visitors.

"We also want them to promote our island destinations Langkawi, Penang and other alternatives to Bali," added Minister Adnan.

Meanwhile, Malaysia-based AirAsia has announced it will turn the Johor Baru Airport into its southern air hub in hopes of tapping into the increasing air traffic because of newly planned economic developments taking place at its multi-billion dollar southern corridor economic zone, the Iskandar Development Region (IDR).

Air Asia founder and CEO Tony Fernandes, who has built his region-wide business empire based on visionary planning, summed-up his decision: "We are not waiting to see if IDR happens or not. We have faith in the government's economic programs. When IDR is ready in fifteen to twenty years, we will be a part of the development."

AirAsia's announcement follows its simultaneously launching of direct flights from Johor Baru to Palembang, Indonesia and Macau. AirAsia currently operates 85 flights from Senai Airport, Johor Baru.

Fernandes disclosed that AirAsia flights from Johor Baru to Macau have achieved an average load factor of 85 percent. "We have achieved what usually takes 18 months develop, and by next year we are targeting one million passengers."

AirAsia plans to introduce flights to Shenzhen from its hubs in Johor Baru and Kota Kinabalu. In addition, it is also adding new routes to southern China, including Guangzhou, Guilin and Kunming. "We now have a 95 percent load factor on the KL-Shenzhen route, and we are adding a second flight."

"We invested a fortune in developing new routes over the last five years. We are now reaping the benefits," added Fernandes. "Three years ago we flew to Kota Kinabalu four times a day, now we fly ten times a day. From one flight a day to Bangkok three years ago we now fly six times a day."

Fernandes' no-frills Tune Hotel outfit has also announced it is building a hotel in IDR, at Danga Day, Johor Baru.

Source: Yusof Sulaiman /

VNAT takes the lead to - Unveil the Jewels of the Mekong

Vietnam National Tourism Administration (VNAT) under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has confirmed to lead the three countries – Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam - Unveil the Jewels of the Mekong as Three Countries One Destination (TCOD), during ITE HCMC 2007 kick-starting with the International Buyers Programme on 4 October 2007 and the Exhibition from 5-7 October 2007 in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Ministers and Senior Officials of Tourism Authorities from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will meet on 4th October 2007 at Windsor Hotel for the inaugural trilateral tourism meeting. This will be followed by the official opening of the ITE HCMC 2007 on 5th October 2007 at Phu Thu Exhibition Center at 9.00am and the MOU signing ceremony of the trilateral tourism cooperation by the Tourism Ministers.

At ITE HCMC 2007, VNAT has taken a large exhibition booth to showcase the destinations and charms of Vietnam, together with 18 provincial Department of Tourism offices across Vietnam. Cambodia Ministry of Tourism (CMOT) and Lao National Tourism Administration will similarly lead a contingent to the event for tourism exchange amongst the stakeholders within the three countries and also120 international buyers from 22 countries and regions. It is the largest travel trade show of its kind in Vietnam for the 3 countries. In addition, destination marketing presentations will be organized together with cultural performances presented by the 3 countries as well as Thailand and Indonesia.

“The show is now the platform for the travel trade industry not only for Vietnam but also for the three countries –Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. With the support of the Tourism Ministers from the 3 countries, we have enough clout to attract more buyers to the event for tourism exchange” remarked Mdm Dong Thi Kim Vui, Director, HCMC Department of Tourism.

With the active sponsorship of the 8 inbound airlines, the number of international buyers registered as at 31st August is 101. The expected confirmed registration by 3 October 2007 is expected to reach all time high of 120. They will be met by 200 seller representatives.

Mr La Quoc Khanh, Deputy Director, HCMC Department of Tourism commented “The industry is supportive to the initiative and that explains the dramatic increase of buyers over that of last year. The 8 airlines namely Vietnam Airlines, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Eva Airways, Korean Air, Jetstar Airways, Philippines Airlines and United Airlines have helped to bring in the qualified buyers.”

The first time exhibitors such as Macau Government Tourist Office and Qatar Airways have added new dimensions and importance of Vietnam for outbound tourism. This is reflected in the growing number of Vietnamese traveling overseas for holidays, city breaks or incentive travel and also to tap on the vast opportunity made available under TCOD. 18 provincial Department of Tourism offices representing 57 companies will be at the show eagerly to meet with the international buyers together with 79 companies from direct private sector participation.

“The show has reached its international recognition with equal number of foreign and local participation. The goal is to position HCMC as the travel hub for the Three Countries One Destination” remarked Alex Eow, President of Binet Exhibitions Pte Ltd.

The exhibition will open for trade on 5th and 6th October and only open to public on 6th October afternoon and 7th October (Sun) from 9.00am to 5.00pm. On the public days, there will be travel fair type of entertainment and education for in-country or outbound travel at the international standard.

ITE HCMC 2007 is supported by Vietnam Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City; co-supported by Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, Cambodia Ministry of Tourism and Lao National Tourism Administration. It is jointly organized by HCMC Department of Tourism, Vinexad and Binet Exhibitions Pte Ltd.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact :

BINET Exhibitions Pte Ltd and HCMC Department of Tourism

Ms Chong Kam Lin : Email :
Mr Ta Nam Binh : Email :
Mr Pham Huy Hoai : Email :
Mr Tran Minh Cong : Email :

India is the numero uno travel destination

Known for its incredible snake charmers and age-old monuments to the world of tourism, India has emerged as the numero uno travel destinations trailing beauties of Italy, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand.

India's emergence to the top spot, over the fourth last year, was revealed by a survey conducted by a widely-read British magazine Conde Nest Traveller , which gives away Readers Travel Awards, considered to be the Oscar awards of the tourism industry.
"India was the 10th most preferred destination in 2004, the 4th in 2006 and is now at the top in 2007 and that is where we want to be," Union Tourism Minister Ambika Soni said while receiving the award at a glittering ceremony Monday night in London.
Conducted among the readers of the magazine that includes some of the most sophisticated and avid travellers across the world, the survey included a range of criteria for each category from 'range of accommodation' to 'environmental friendliness', the magazine said in a release.
In the April issue of the magazine, readers were asked for nominations for the worlds best hotels, spas, cities, airports, cruise lines and tour operators and to rate them. To discern their list of 'best of the best', each nomination was ranked to produce the world's Top 100 in each field.
The replies were then collated and analysed by an independent market research company before giving away with the awards.

Hotel Rooms in Vietnam continues to grow

VNAT has released a survey showing the number of hotel rooms in Vietnam continues to grow, as do their rates.
Vietnam National Administration of Tourism reported the total number of accommodation establishments in Vietnam in April 2007 reached 8,556 properties offering 170,551 rooms.

Of these, 25 are five-star hotels with 7,167 rooms, 65 are four-star hotels with 8,236 rooms, 141 are three-star hotels with 10,081 rooms and the remaining 83,714 rooms are in two-star to standard hotels.

Earlier, VNAT reported that a survey conducted by financial and accounting firm Grant Thornton Vietnam said five-star hotels in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City recorded significant increases in average room rates and occupancy rates last year, while northern Vietnam remained the market leader in terms of occupancy with over 70% in 2006.

Grant Thornton Vietnam conducted a survey of 29 hotels with 3,946 rooms in different cities in country’s three main regions between 2005 and 2006.

The survey showed a price increase of 7.7% in the average room rates, from US$55.78 in 2005 to US$60.06 per room night in 2006. Average prices climbed 21.1% in the North and 15.7% in the central region, while the South saw no change.

In 2006, the average occupancy for five-star hotels was 73.1% with and average price of $69.06 per room night. Net income as a percentage of revenue of the four - and five-star hotels was 21.1% and 39.7%, respectively, much higher than the 0.4% for three-star hotels. Room sales made up more than 60% of total revenues in both 2005 and 2006.

Reservations via the internet, travel agents and tour operators increased, from 44.76% in 2005 to 57.35% in 2006, as a percentage of room sales. A significant decrease occurred in direct reservations from 41.21% to 29.80%.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Cambodia to establish National Airline

The Cambodian government will establish a national airline soon, senior officials said on Tuesday.

The state-owned aviation company will become a key tool for globally advertising and promoting of the kingdom's tourism industry, because Cambodia expects to attract about two million of foreign tourists this year, said Tourism Minister Thong Khon at the 12th Government-Private Sector Forum.
"Last year Cambodia collected over one billion U.S. dollars from the tourism field and the tourist arrivals in the first half of this year increased nearly by 20 percent (over that of last year)," he added.
Also at the forum, Keat Chhon, Minister of Finance and Economy, told reporters that the new airline will be created with cautious management strategies, because Cambodia had learned a lesson from the bankruptcy of the previous national airline, Royal Air Cambodge (RAC), whose debts amounted to millions of U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hun Sen blamed the failure of RAC for poor management.
At present Cambodia has a dozen of airlines which are run by the private sector.

Ho Chi Minh City Hotel Guide

Asian Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 829-7433
First Class room from US$40
Amara Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 843-9999, Fax: 843-8888
Superior room from US$110
Bong Sen Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 829-1516, Fax: 829-8076
Standard promo rates from US$54++ single with breakfast
Bong Sen 2
Tel: [84-8] 823-5818
Economy room from US$40++
Caravelle Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 823-4999, Fax: 824-3999
Deluxe rack rate from US$230 plus or a promotional rate from around US$168++ single
Duxton Hotel Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 822-2999, Fax: 824-1888
Standard from US$85++ without breakfast. Executive room from US$105
Grand Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 823-0163, Fax: 823-5781
Superior from US$110, promo rate from US$85 up
Hotel Continental
Tel: [84-8] 829-9201, Fax: 829-0936
Rates from US$90 for a Superior single ($72 during promotions)
Hotel Equatorial
Tel: [84-8] 839-7777, Fax: 839-0011
Rates from US$75 up
Hotel Majestic
Tel: [84-8] 829-5517, Fax: 829-5510
Superior rates from US$110++ single, US$130++ double
Kimdo Royal City Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 822-5914, Fax: 822-5913
Superior single from US$89, double US$99 up
Legend Hotel Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 823-3333, Fax: 823-2333
Rates from US$210 up
Nam Phuong Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 822-4446
Standard from US$22 with breakfast
New World Hotel Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 822-8888, Fax: 823-0710
Deluxe single from US$160. Executive Floor Deluxe from US$230
Norfolk Hotel Tel: [84-8] 829-5368, Fax: 829-3415
Promo Standard, single, rates from US$70++
Novotel Garden Plaza Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 842-1111, Fax: 842-4370
Promo rate from US$65++ Standard and Deluxe Club from US$75++
Omni Saigon Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 844-9222, Fax: 844-9198
e-mail: /
Oscar Saigon Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 829-2959, Fax: 822-2958
Standard from US$50 single, superior US$60
Palace Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 824-4236, Fax: 824-4229
Standard single from US$45++
Park Hyatt Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 824-1234, Fax: 823-7569
Standard rack rate from US$250-$300 plus with possible 10 percent discounts (with conditions) on the Internet
Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 822-0033, Fax: 823-5666
Deluxe city view rates from US$160 up. Special offers US$125 and up. Renaissance Club Floor from US$195
Rex Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 829-2185, Fax: 829-6536
Superior single/double from US$120, promo from US$70, single
Saigon Boutique Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 833-0540, Fax: 832-2470
Rates from US$20 up
Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers
Tel: [84-8] 827-2828; Fax: 827-2929
Deluxe Pool from US$230, Executive Deluxe from US$320
Sofitel Plaza Saigon
Tel: [84-8] 824-1555, Fax: 824-1666
Standard promo rate from US$120++
Spring Hotel
Tel: [84-8] 829-7362, Fax: 822-1383
Rates from US$28 Standard to US$59 for a Suite
Windsor Plaza Hotel
Tel: [84-8]833-6688, Fax: 833-6888
Superior Room single/double promo rate from US$75++
Note: Telephone and fax numbers, e-mails, website addresses, rates and other details may change or get outdated. Please check with your dealer/agent/service-provider or directly with the parties concerned. Tourism Media accepts no responsibility for any inadvertent inaccuracies in this article. Links to websites are provided for the viewer's convenience. Tourism Media accepts no responsibility for content on linked websites or any viruses or malicious programs that may reside therein.

Monday, September 3, 2007

1st Philippine International Tourism Fair (PITF) 2007

Tourism Secretary Joseph “Ace” Durano will lead the guests during the opening ceremonies of the 1st Philippine International Tourism Fair (PITF) at the Cebu International Convention Center in Mandaue City on September 5.
Almost 150 foreign buyers of travel packages – tour operators, travel specialists and corporate executives – and owners and executives of local resorts, hotels, medical tourism hospitals, golf courses and other tourism-oriented establishments will join the event.
More than 300 corporate buyers are expected to transact business with tour providers and foreign buyers/wholesalers.
The event will run from September 5 to September 7.
The last day of the event is open for free to the public to enable the consumers to know what travel possibilities are being offered by the tourism fair.
The PITF 2007 is the country's first international travel trade fair.
It is in line with the Department of Tourism's (DOT) Philippine Travel Exchange (Phitex), which will also be held at the Cebu International Convention Center (CICC).
It is organized by the National Association of Independent Travel Agencies and supported by the DOT, Philippine Tourism Authority, Cebu Province and the city governments of Mandaue and Cebu.
A seminar on “Building up a Vibrant and Globally Competitive Tourist Destination” will start at 3 p.m.
The speakers include Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority administrator Armand Arreza, Bohol Governor Erico Aumentado, Palawan Governor Mario Joel Reyes and Cebu Visitors and Convention Bureau president Jay Aldeguer.
A cocktail and a presentation on Boracay entitled “Beach Paradise Boracay” will follow at 4 p.m.
On the second day, a number of presentations will be made by several service providers.
These are the Sarrosa Hotel at 11 a.m., the University of Santo Tomas Hospital at 11:45 a.m., Bohol Divers Resort at 1:30 p.m. and the Caylabne Bay Resort at 2:15 p.m.
Following the presentations are seminars to be conducted by top-notch personalities.
These include “Philippine medical tourism – a global economic activity” by Dr. Alfonso Cenon, chief executive officer of the University of Sto. Tomas Hospital; “Business opportunities in health and wellness tourism” by Alma Rita Jimenez, president of St. Francis Cabrini Medical Center; and “Wellness tourism - Now a must for lifestyle traveler” by Marjorie Lopingco, president of the Spa Association of the Philippines. Another presentation with cocktail featuring “Blazing Bohol” will wrap up the day's events.
The last day of the event will feature seminars on “Why do we have to participate in international tourism fairs” and “Philippines' edge and competitiveness in international tourism fairs” by Patrick Gregorio, chief marketing officer of Microtel Inn & Suites.
At 4 p.m., the induction of the League of Tourism Students of the Philippines-Visayas chapter will be held before the closing ceremonies at 6 p.m.

AirAsia plans low-cost airline in Vietnam

Malaysia’s AirAsia, the largest budget airline in Southeast Asia, has signed an agreement with Vietnam’s largest shipbuilder to establish a joint venture no-frills carrier in Vietnam.

Of Vina AirAsia’s US$30 million in capital, AirAsia would hold a 30 percent while the state-owned Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group, or Vinashin, would control the rest, according to an agreement signed by the two parties Friday.

Vinashin will assist the JV in securing governmental approvals, concessions and licenses necessary for the joint venture.

The new airline would serve domestic, regional and international routes, and eventually build two distinct divisions to facilitate short and long-haul aviation, according to AirAsia.

The new airline will be built on the successful low-cost model pioneered by AirAsia in the region, said a company representative.

AirAsia’s chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes, who signed the agreement with Vinashin CEO Pham Thanh Binh, said the joint venture would explore the possibility of expanding to the lucrative air travel market in China.

Speaking after the signing ceremony witnessed by visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Fernandes was confident that the partners would enjoy a productive and profitable relationship.

“The growth potential in Vietnam's air travel is significant with its 84 million population,” he said, as quoted by Malaysia’s The Star newspaper.

“We are very excited to be working with a colossal corporation in Vietnam to develop this opportunity,” he was quoted as saying.

According to Fernandes, the partnership would help develop the tourism industry in Vietnam.

“We will continue to offer low fares to benefit our passengers and help boost the tourism economy, which will drive inbound passenger traffic in both countries,” he said.

Binh said Vina AirAsia expected to launch its first flight in July next year using the A320 Airbus jumbo jet, the world’s largest airplane.

More requirements ahead

To turn their scheme into reality, Vinashin and AirAsia have to submit an official application to the Vietnamese aviation management agency to get an air transportation permit.

Vietnam encourages foreign investment in aviation, Lai Xuan Thanh, deputy head of the Vietnam Aviation Department said, adding the appearance of an additional low-cost airline besides the current Pacific Airlines would help increase competitiveness and improve service quality.

However, Thanh told local media Friday that his department had yet to receive Vina AirAsia’s application for operations approval.

According to Decree 76 issued by the Vietnamese Government in May this year, airline company must have minimum capital of VND500 billion (US$30.8 million) to operate international flights from Vietnam.

Besides the required capital, the applicant must meet several safety and security requirements, Thanh stressed. “There is no exception for a low budget airline.”

Thanh said his department verifies whether applicants meet such requirements before submitting applications to the government for approval.

“If everything goes smoothly, it will take one month to get the license,” he said.

Thanh said that no applications had been sent to his department since the issuance of Decree 76.

After six years of operations, AirAsia now has two affiliates, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia, with 57 airplanes operating 75 local and international air routes to and from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Macau, China, Singapore, Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

AirAsia currently operates two daily Hanoi-Bangkok flights and one daily Hanoi-Kuala Lumpur route.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Pagudpud: Superb beauty comes cheap

Who says you have to shell out lots of money for a dream tropical vacation? Here is one destination that proves you don't have to.

Pagudpud (PAH GOOD POOD) is an enormous place to visit if you're looking for the comparatively perfect charms of the Philippines. Pagudpud is a wide and beautiful town on the northwest tip of Ilocos Norte, Luzon, bounded to the south by the town of Bangui and to the east by the Cordillera Mountain Range, the town of Adams and the province of Cagayan. The South China Sea lies to the west and north.

It is considered the largest island in the Philippines. The hills and mountains are luxuriant, the valleys productive. It lies 45 miles north of Laoag City, the provincial capital, and about 350 miles north of Manila -- about the equal distance between Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. Creeks, streams and waterfalls splash the landscape and spill into the South China Sea. All around, the ocean and sky are awash in varying shades of blue.

Pagudpud Beach, two hours north of Laoag City, has powder-white sand, but it's hard to tell which is bluer: the sky or the sea. While you are making up your mind, you might also consider a stop in Pasuquin, where the famous biscocho (Ilocos biscuit) is a favorite take-home delicacy for local visitors. But don't forget to check your watch, for while you play in the waters of Pagudpud, you may not notice how much time you have spent on these delightful shores, which are at the very tip of Luzon Island.

Inexpensive resorts are located along the shores of Pagudpud. They normally charge a fixed fee about US$5 for a nipa hut where you can hide under the hot sun. But for those who want to relax in more luxurious surroundings, the spacious Saud Resort beckons. Even then, rooms go for about US$35-40 a night. Saud Resort is the most secure of the resorts, with 24-hour security manning the entrance. But it doesn’t mean that the place is dangerous. On the contrary, Pagudpud, as elsewhere in Ilocos, is very safe, and the people are friendly and hospitable.

Tagalog (renamed Pilipino) is the language you'll hear most often, but don't be afraid - a lot of Filipinos speak English, even if some can be a bit shy. The more-educated and more-traveled people aren't shy at all and will be more than able to amaze you with their English.

While Manila is a wonderful place to spend a day or two, you'll soon most likely want to get away from it all. Pagudpud is an excellent place to go. It's clean and green and apparently in a different world. In fact, Pagudpud is the farthest geographical point from Manila without leaving the island of Luzon. This has its advantages.

A struggling economy means a good exchange rate for most tourists. So go easy on the bargain with street vendors. And, though it's not always expected, leave your waiter a tip.

It's always wise to check ahead to make sure there's room for you at one of the resorts. While increasingly popular, you shouldn't have a problem finding accommodations in Saud -- unless you plan on visiting during Holy Week in April, when the entire country seems to take a holiday. Rates vary widely. Some resorts are more plush than others, but all are excellent. Check with resort proprietors for room availability and prices.

A common practice of local visitors is to stop by the wet market for fresh (as in live) seafood, and to have them grilled over charcoal on the beach, and served with plain rice for a very affordable price. For those on a budget, you don't need to worry, because you may be pleasurably surprised to know that a whole day in Pagudpud won't cost a family of 5 more than US$30, including lunch (except if you really intend to visit Saud Resort)!

How to Get There

To get to Pagudpud, first get yourself to the Philippines. You'll arrive in Manila, one of the world's biggest cities. It's an awesome place that is choked with traffic, people and life. There are skyscrapers, malls, parks and attractions in large numbers. Accommodations in Manila run the range, from the deluxe to the seedy. The Makati district has some of the city's finest hotels.


Flight schedules to and from Laoag, the provincial capital of Ilocos Norte, are difficult to come by. Things keep changing. Philippine Airlines used to have connecting flights to and from Manila. Air Philippines used to fly there, too. Laoag International Airlines has or used to have operations there. There are some carriers that fly directly from Taiwan. The province has long talked about upgrading its airport to increase tourism, but so far it's just that.

Land transportation (Bus)

Take a long-distance bus and ride 8 hours to the Northern part of Luzon, known as Ilocos Norte. Ilocos is home of historic Vigan that offers the oldest stone-built houses in the country and Laoag City that holds the so-called "Malacañang of the North". But those are just sites you'll be passing through when you go to Pagudpud beach which is located 110 kilometers from Vigan.

The welcome scene: What does Pagudpud have in store for you? Dig this, the beach has crystal blue waters, white sand and Ilocos' native version of lechon kawali, bagnet (deep fried pork belly). Pagudpud beach is considered the Boracay of the North for its close resemblance to the beach island. The wonderful landscape will hold you in charm while you scan the town’s streams, falls, and mountain ranges.

Some bus companies will take you straight to Pagudpud from Manila. Be cautious because the trip is long and you'll be traveling about 350 miles, approximately the distance between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The bus (ordinary fare buses) often stops to unload passengers or pick up new ones. If you leave Manila at 7:30 pm, expect to arrive in Pagudpud anywhere between 5 am and 7 am getting a Deluxe, air-conditioned bus makes things a lot more manageable -- and a lot speedier because of fewer stops. A night trip isn't that bad; just fall asleep, and when you wake up, you're there.

If you must get down in Laoag, you can continue the trip to Pagudpud by taking a mini-bus, renting a car or hiring a private vehicle. Commuter buses depart from Laoag every half hour, sometimes more or less frequently, depending on how quickly they fill up. The fare is reasonable, and the trip takes about an hour.

If using this route, just take a tricycle to the Pagudpud bus station. TIP: The tricycle fare should be no more than 10 pesos, although it doesn't hurt to double it as a bonus -- say no if they ask for something extreme, unless you don't mind spreading your wealth to complete strangers.


These days that Pagudpud is becoming the surfing capital of the Philippines, you might as well learn surfing during your stay there and go skinny dipping, boating and swimming all day. Aside from these got-to-dos that need water, you can pamper yourself in taking pictures of some of Mother Nature's beauty while mountaineering to Kaibigan Falls and walking along the historic streets and landmarks of Vigan, Batac, and Laoag. One big warning that the folks in Ilocos will give you is not to swim too far from the shore because the waters there have a very strong undercurrent that can pull you far off the shore. And since you won't be in the region more than once a year unless you're an Ilocano, visit the Marcos' Mansion and the Marcos Museum to get a taste of their lifestyle during their time in power.

Peso Power: The place is worth the trip and money to be shelled out as most visitors would say. Expect some big cash shelling for nothing of such superb beauty can come cheap, though local shopping costs less they do back home.

In the Northern part of the Philippines is a beach reputed to have the longest contiguous white sand with mighty waves and strong winds that can compare to Hawaii. Wind and wave surfing are the outstanding activities that Pagudpud beach offers its very discriminating customers. Not to mention the inviting views, clear blue waters, and white sand. Pagudpud promises its visitors a magnificent experience in a secluded paradise.

Get used to :