Tourism & Travel Trade Shows 2011

IT&CM China 2011 13-15 April 2011, Shanghai, China. India Travel & IT Mart 2011 11-13 August 2011, Hyderabad, India

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

eTNs Global Ambassador Program - An Innovative Way

eTurbonews establishes new way to facilitate an instantaneous communication among travel industry experts and insiders. eTurboNews has yesterday launched its latest program allowing travel and tourism experts from various parts of the world to share their knowledge about their respective destinations.
Called eTN Ambassador Program, travel journalists, tourism executives and government officials are given the opportunity to share pertinent information about their respective countries through breaking news reporting and destination updates.

“Using eTN’s columns to share relevant information has always been a major for us, so we are always developing ways to enhance and build our network,” says eTN vice president and editor-in-chief Nelson Alcantara. “With eTN’s Ambassador Program, tourism stakeholders can take the pro-active role and bring their respective country into the forefront of the industry.”
eTN prides itself in having established a list of individuals that the travel and tourism industry can count on to provide relevant information especially in times of crisis such as natural disasters and terror attacks. Having done this allows eTN to bridge the communication gap, thus keeping the industry well-informed with the latest developments in every aspect of travel and tourism, the Hawaii-based travel publication said.
“Using eTN’s columns to share relevant information has always been a major for us, so we are always developing ways to enhance and build our network,” says eTN vice president and editor-in-chief Nelson Alcantara. “With eTN’s Ambassador Program, tourism stakeholders can take the pro-active role and bring their respective country into the forefront of the industry.”
In recent years, eTN has managed to become one of the influential travel trade publications, with affiliations as the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the World Travel and Tourism Council, the International Institute for Peace through Tourism, no name just a few. Even the world’s biggest travel trade fairs, such as Berlin’s yearly ITB, Frankfurt’s IMEX, London’s World Travel Market, Lebanon’s Arab World Travel and Tourism Exchange, and Rome’s GLOBE have either worked or are currently working with eTN, as the Hawaii-based publication truly has emerged to become a powerful player in global travel trade communications.
“Countries must now find ways to tap the global market through ways unorthodox,” added eTN president and publisher Thomas Steinmetz. “Traditional ways of marketing one’s destination are no longer sufficient, as the Internet has become such important element in the success of today’s travel and tourism marketing.”
According to Steinmetz, eTN recognizes the impact the Internet has in today’s global travel and tourism dynamics. “eTN is always looking for innovative ways to maximize the advantages of having a channel to communicate instantaneously, so we came up with the eTN Ambassador Program.”
eTN has in place 116 ambassadors from 75 countries and territories. A dedicated webpage ( for these individuals has been established so that interested parties may get to know them.
Source: eTN

Lonely Planet Boosts 'Mekong' Identity

For the first time, Lonely Planet has launched a Mekong region guide, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & The Greater Mekong. "This new guide recognizes that travelers are increasingly interested in this region as a multi-stop destination and we hope it will prove popular with travelers and also benefit Mekong tourism," said Simone McNamara, a Lonely Planet spokesperson.

The 524 page guide book includes 28 maps, a chapter on ancient wonders, detailed information on border crossings, sustainable travel information and extensive accommodation listings. The ninth edition of Lonely Planet's dedicated Vietnam guide was published in July and the sixth edition of its Laos guide came out in August.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Miss Earth at ITE HCMC 2007

Beauties for a Cause

The 3rd International Travel Expo ITE HCMC 2007 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam participated in by 11 countries was not only about promotion of different tourists spots all over the world. This year's exposition was highlighted with the presence of 3 reigning Miss Earth beauties who were invited to grace the event by the Department of Tourism Ho Chi Minh City. Miss Earth 2006 Hil Yesenia Hernandez together with Miss Earth-Water 2006 Catherine Untalan and Miss Earth-Singapore 2007 Nicole Chen Lim took part in the 3 day event which was held in the Phu Tho Exhibition Center located at the business district of the country which is dubbed as the "hidden charm". The group, together with representatives from C.T. Hansen International Pte. Ltd; franchise holder of Miss Earth-Singapore, TV Media at Work, Eyemail Technology Inc. were warmly welcomed by the people upon their arrival at the Tan Son Naht International Airport last October 4, 2007.

The locals and press people followed them religiously everywhere since Day 1 in all their upcoming activities. In the opening ceremony the following day, the 3 beauties wore ao dais, the traditional Vietnamese attire and non la, the palm leaf conical hat. This was followed by the ribbon cutting which was led by Hil Hernandez and tourism ministers from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos which formally opened the exhibition of 180 participants. The group also had a booth wherein the people were given the chance to have their photograph taken with and signed by the ladies. They took this opportunity to raise funds for the victims of the recent tragedy wherein the bridge being built above the Hau River, a branch of the Mekong River collapsed causing the death of 52 individuals. Nicole, Singapore's bet for this year's Miss Earth pageant to be held in Manila starting October 21 felt very privileged to be given this chance to help the people. "I found out about the accident before I came here to Vietnam. What happened was extremely heartbreaking. I am very glad to be part of an organization that does not only campaign to save our planet but looks out for other people across the globe especially in times like this." All the earnings from the booth, in the amount of 50,000,000 VND or 3,125 USD were donated during a turnover led by the event organizer in the closing of the exhibition which was immediately followed by a tree planting in the back of the stadium.

Aside from the main event, the group also conducted an environmental forum with members of the press last October 6, Friday. The audience asked questions about how the ladies feel about Vietnam; its people, the food, culture and of course the environment. During the discussion, issues on pollution brought about by millions of motorcycles, the basic mode of transportation of Vietnamese and protection of natural wonder sites like the Halong Bay surfaced and were discussed. The ladies also conducted a motorcade around the city promoting the use of helmet to encourage safe and friendly driving to prevent accidents amongst the motorists which go to about 30,000 casualties per year. "Apart from these movements, we would like to introduce alternative fuels and push for the improvement of mass transportation to help lessen the pollution. Also, since the country is developing, it is important to achieve a level of sustainability wherein both progress and the environment will not be jeopardized. In the end, money is nothing when the Earth's resources are already exhausted." answered Cathy to one of the questions.

The group had the chance to experience the richness of the culture through short trips, visits to landmarks and meals in various restaurants. "I am very happy to be in Vietnam. This is my first time and I am mesmerized by almost everything. The people are really very nice and welcoming. Every one is very friendly. Our four days stay is not enough to see the beauty of Vietnam. We will surely come back. But I do hope that the campaigns to maintain or improve the environmental conditions will be more aggressive. We should all work together to preserve the planet's natural wonders for the whole world and future generations to see." says Hil.

This visit is a testament to Miss Earth's commitment to promoting eco-tourism and preservation of the world's wonders. The contingent left Vietnam with very positive feedbacks, enthusiasm and hopes that they have been successful in sending the message across to the people to answer the call to heal and protect our Mother Earth.
About Miss Earth:
After establishing a track record in mounting world-class beauty pageants over the last decade, Carousel Productions Inc. decided to reinvent and improve the concept of beauty competitions for the new millennium.
Because many people admire and aspire to be a beauty queen, Carousel Productions, Inc. believed beauty queens would be a good and effective advocate of worthy causes. To give life to this vision, Carousel organized and launched in 2001 the MISS EARTH® Beauty Pageant, a beauty event whose raison d’etre was to have its candidates and winners actively promote and get involved in the preservation of the environment and the protection of Mother Earth.

ITE HCMC 2007 - An Impressive Travel Show

The grand opening of the ITE HCMC 2007, entitled “Unveil the Jewels of the Mekong – Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam – Three Countries One Destination (TCOD)”, officially opened on October 5 at the Phu Tho Exhibition Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with a large number of participants including VIPs, Buyers, Sellers, Media and Visitors.

The opening ceremony brought together Ms. Pham Phuong Thao, Chairwoman of the HCM City People’s Council, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong, Vice Chairwoman, HCM City People's Committee together with three Ministers of Tourism, H.E. Hoang Tuan Anh, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam, H.E. Dr Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia, and H.E. Somphong Mongkhonvilay, Chairman of Lao National Tourism Administration. Among other VIP’s were Mrs. Pornsiri Manohararn, Governor of Tourism Authority of Thailand, Mr. Fernando Chui, Secretary of Social Affairs and Culture of Macau, and Mr. So Mara, Under Secretary of Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia. Over 20 local and international Media were also present to cover the ITE HCMC 2007 event.

In addition, this year the show was also highlighted because of the three beauty queens Miss Earth International Hil Yesenia Escobar Hermandez from Chile, Miss Earth Water, Catherine Untalan from Philippines and Miss Earth Singapore 2007" Nicole Chen Lim, who joined the ITE HCMC 2007. The presence of the three beauties aims to send a message of protecting sustainable tourism development and to promote tourism of Indochina countries - Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

This fair ITE HCMC 2007 is supported by Vietnam Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City; co-supported by Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, Cambodia Ministry of Tourism and Lao National Tourism Administration. It is jointly organized by HCMC Department of Tourism, Vinexad and Binet Exhibitions Pte Ltd.

A strong contingent of 101 international buyers that were representatives of 100 foreign travel companies from 29 countries attended ITE HCMC between 3 and 6 October 2007 to meet 180 sellers from 11 countries and territories as well as 19 provinces and cities of Vietnam registering for 150 booths. They are tour operators, hotels, golf courses, destinations providers, airlines and businesses related in related industries. This was the largest tourism buyer-seller meeting, a record so far in Vietnam.

We are very please with the number of the booths, up 50 booths on the previous event, said Mr. Alex Eow, president of Binet Exhibitions with a happy smile after months of hard work for bringing up this show into a huge success along with Ms. Kam Lin, Country Director Binet.
Contributing to the success were Vietnam Airlines, the official airlines for ITE HCMC 2007, and foreign airlines including United Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Eva Airways, Qatar Airways, Jetstar Airways and Philippines Airlines, who have helped to bring in the international buyers and media.

At ITE HCMC 2007, VNAT has taken a large exhibition booth to showcase the destinations and charms of Vietnam, together with 18 provincial Department of Tourism offices across Vietnam. Cambodia Ministry of Tourism and Lao National Tourism Administration similarly lead a contingent to the event for tourism exchange amongst the stakeholders within the three countries and also 120 international buyers from 22 countries and regions. Among others to be noted were Singapore Tourism Board, Malaysia Tourism, Tourist Authority of Thailand, Indonesia Tourism, Macau Tourism, Korean Tourism Organization and many others. It is the largest travel trade show of its kind in Vietnam for the 3 countries. In addition, destination marketing presentations were organized together with cultural performances presented by the 3 countries as well as Thailand and Indonesia.

The first time exhibitors such as Macau Government Tourist Office and Qatar Airways have added new dimensions and importance of Vietnam for outbound tourism. This is reflected in the growing number of Vietnamese traveling overseas for holidays, city breaks or incentive travel and also to tap on the vast opportunity made available under TCOD.

Mr La Quoc Khanh, Deputy Director, HCMC Department of Tourism commented “The industry is supportive to the initiative and that explains the dramatic increase of buyers over that of last year, with the active sponsorship of the 8 inbound airlines.

Overall the three-day International Travel Show ITE HCMC 2007 has created a new record in international buyer attendance, public awareness and media coverage. Mr. Alex, Ms. Kamlin from Binet along with HCM City Department of Tourism Officials were very happy as they have experienced the growth up from previous event and also for hosting the successful initiatives for cooperation between three countries.

Indochina - Three Countries, One Destination

A Positive Approach: Indochina Tourism

The tourism ministers of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam signed a joint declaration on accelerating tourism cooperation aiming to realize the goal of “Three countries, One destination” during the ITE HCMC 2007 event held on 4th October to 6th October 2007.

The Senior Tourism Officials’ Meeting between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam concluded with a series of priorities and proposed ideas for mapping out action plans for multi-faceted tourism cooperation between the three countries toward creating a common tourism market.

In a joint declaration on tourism cooperation, the top tourism officials agreed to connect efforts and resources to promote the region as a single tourism destination. The three countries will jointly stage promotions activities, develop common tourism products, sharing expertise on development of tourism skills, and making a list of potential projects to call for investment.

Regarding joint marketing, officials agreed to make a common logo, website, guidebooks, and joint promotion at international fairs, and pledged to jointly organize familiarization trips (FAM trips) for international media and partners.

“This is the first time we have reached the joint declaration for tourism cooperation, which is an effort to strengthen regional integration and collaboration to make the region a competitive and attractive destination,” said Hoang Tuan Anh, Vietnam’s minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism. He said the three ministries would exchange information on tourism, culture, and sport events in each country and promote them overseas. Besides caravan tours and cruise tours, the three countries have also encouraged tours which are connected with arts programs and world heritage sites in the region.

As the region has many World Heritage sites such Hoi An, My Son, and Phong Nha in Vietnam, Luang Prabang and Wat Phou in Laos, and Angkor Wat in Cambodia, officials also agreed to make connections between their sites and promote the sites to attract tourists.

The three ministers encouraged efforts to make transport easier for citizens and international tourists from the three countries by upgrading tourism-related infrastructure, improving international border checkpoints, and opening air routes linking the region’s world heritage sites. They also called for the application of border pass cards for people on border provinces between the three countries.

Dr, Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia, said the declaration is a key foundation for enhancing and expanding tourism cooperation under the “Three countries One destination” framework. It is also a major contribution to sustainable tourism development within the Greater Mekong Sub-region.

Mr. Somphong Mongkhonvilay, Minister of Laos National Tourism Administration also attached significance to the agreement and said “The declaration will have the three countries boosting the development of the tourism industry.”

Delegates also discussed the possibility of using the annual Development Triangle Investment Forum to promote tourism and the list of potential tourism projects to call for investment. It was also decided that the tourism officials will meet in Cambodia to discuss more details for the action plans and further to Laos.

Qatar Airways Participation At ITE HCMC 2007 is Honoured

Qatar Airways Participation At ITE HCMC 2007 Emphasises Growing Importance Of Regional Travel Market
Show Markets Jewels Of The Mekong - Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

Qatar Airways has celebrated its first appearance at the International Travel Exhibition (ITE) in Ho Chi Minh City, with a successful participation as one of the event's key sponsors.

The travel trade and consumer show, considered one of the highlights of the travel calendar in the region, has grown in significance with Cambodia, Laos and host country Vietnam among the many nations that took part.

Record numbers of visitors attended the three-day event, which ended on Sunday at the Phu Tho Exhibition Centre in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's commercial capital. The event attracted more than 120 international buyers from 22 countries.

Qatar Airways launched direct flights to Ho Chi Minh City in March from its hub in Doha, State of Qatar, becoming the first carrier in the Middle East to serve the country of Vietnam.

Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said the expanded format at this year's ITE travel show highlighted its growing importance as a platform to promote outbound tourism from the region.

"Qatar Airways is delighted to be supporting travel to and from this part of the world with our four weekly non-stop flights which are part of our ever-growing international network," said Al Baker.

"The brand new international terminal at Tan Son Nhat Airport is an outstanding example of Ho Chi Minh City's status as a major travel destination, as well as being a point of origin for increasing numbers of passenger traffic."

Tourism ministers from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam officially opened the exhibition following high-level meetings between the participating tourism authorities. Delegations from each of the three "Jewels of the Mekong" combined their efforts to create the largest event in ITE's history.

Qatar Airways, one of the show's sponsors, exhibited a state-of-the-art stand at the event, which featured Business Class seats complete with cabin crew assistance to help create an onboard experience for visitors.

There were also flat-screen televisions displaying the airline's latest corporate video, together with refreshments for visitors, destination brochures and in-flight magazines.

Qatar Airways Senior Manager Commercial Operations Far East and Australasia Mr. Marwan Koleilat was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the event organisers for the airline's participation at ITE.

"We enjoyed highlighting our award-winning Five Star service at this important event and look forward to facilitating the growing number of people looking to travel from this region throughout Qatar Airways' expanding network," said Koleilat.

Qatar Airways Senior Marketing Officer, Mr. Kimmo Korkeila, said they are very positive with the growing tourism development in the region and their involvement in the ITE show clearly indicates the potential of the region and the growing demand.

Mr. Ajith Weerasekera, Area Manager- Vietnam and Ms. Vu Thi Thanh Minh, Marketing & Pricing Coordinator - Vietnam, also appreciated thier particpation in ITE HCMC 2007 and with the great response during the show.

The increase in passenger numbers is expected to allow more premium class travelers flying Qatar Airways with access to its exclusive Premium Terminal at Doha International Airport, exclusively for departing First and Business Class passengers.

The Premium Terminal features facilities such as a spa, jacuzzi, duty free, business centre and fine dining restaurants. Built in just nine months, the terminal is the world's first commercial passenger building dedicated to First and Business Class passengers.

Qatar Airways is one of only five airlines in the world with a Five Star ranking for service and excellence awarded by Skytrax, the independent aviation industry monitoring agency. Skytrax also named Qatar Airways' cabin crew as Best in the Middle East for the fifth year running in 2007 and Best First Class in the world following a survey of more than 12 million passengers worldwide. During the 2006/07 financial year, Qatar Airways carried more than 8 million passengers worldwide.

Qatar Airways Address in Vietnam:
Suite 08, Petro Vietnam Tower
1-3-5 Le Duan Ave, District 01
Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam
Tel: +84 8 827 3777 / +84 8 827 3888

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New tourist route could be answer to Cambodia’s Angkor Wat woes

As tourism in Angkor Wat continues to grow unabated, a new tourist route could alleviate some of the tourist pressure.

For many years now, the Cambodian government has been looking for solutions to take some of the pressure out of the site. As the first seven months of 2007 brought 442,000 visitors to Siem Reap International Airport, a growth of 38 percent, Angkor Wat is poised to continue to take a beating from the hordes of tourists that visit the world heritage site.

The Apsara Authority, which manages the Angkor Wat complex, recently introduced new paths with tourists taking different routes to enter and exit the temple.

The objective now is to make certain that tourists do not flock to the site at the same time. The idea is to create circuits around Angkor Wat to spread the number of visitors and take some of the pressure faced by Angkor top attractions.

“As France and Japan are sharing the presidency of the Permanent Secretary for the International Coordinating Committee for the Preservation and Development of the Historical Site of Angkor under the UNESCO, we work closely with Cambodian authorities to find the best solutions to accommodate tourism requirements,” explained Jean-François Desmazieres, French Ambassador in Cambodia. “The target is not to kill the hen with the golden eggs but at the same to preserve the authenticity of Angkor.”

Even if the committee plays only a consultative role, it has been able to avoid the development of the most incredible projects such as a subway to the temples.

According to the Ambassador Desmazieres, Angkor Wat can indeed accommodate a fairly high number of tourists every day. “During the time of Khmer Kings, they were already thousand of visitors per day to Angkor Wat temples,” he said.

The committee has also been working with Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism for the creation of new tourist sightseeing such as traditional handicraft or silk producing villages. The most ambitious project is the development of a new tourist road, which would link Angkor Wat to the spectacular Preah Vihear temple, via the old city of Koh Ker where many temples can still be visited. Discussions will take place about tourism development from October 26 to 28, when the Coordinating Committee meets.

In another development, Cambodia’s tourism minister recently signed a joint declaration with tourism ministers from Laos and Vietnam on trilateral cooperation at the meeting in Ho Chi Minh City. The ministers agreed to encourage their national tourism agencies to boost exchange of information and experiences in tourism development and promotion. They also agreed to jointly hold and attend tourism events and tours and cooperate in personnel training.

According to published reports, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, under the “three countries – one destination” scheme, will implement measures to boost tourism and cultural activities as well as encourage public-private partnerships with regard to tourism development.

Source: Stéphane Hanot etn

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Spain's Andalucia region beckons Indian tourists

"We see India as a growing economic power of the 21st century and we would like to see more and more Indian tourists coming to Andalucia," said the minister. With its scenic beauty and rich cultural and natural diversity, southern Spain's Andalucia region is positioning itself as a dream destination for Indian tourists seeking a holiday with a difference.
"Nowhere else in the world can you drive in two and a half hours from perpetually snow-clad mountains to wide beaches, to vast biosphere reserves and to deserts of volcanic ash," Gaspar Zarrias, vice president of the Andalucia autonomous region, said at a presentation for the media and the travel trade here.
Andalucia is the land of flamenco and bullfights. Its 800 km of Mediterranean coastline hosts a staggering 42 pleasure marinas. It boasts of 104 golf courses - many of them by the sea - five modern airports, 24 nature parks and 32 nature reserves.
The region is home to the historic cities of Seville, Cadiz, Cordoba, Malaga, Granada and Almeria. It counts among its proud sons painter Pablo Piccaso, author Gabriel Garcia Marquez and actor Antonio Banderas.
In fact, it was from the Andalucian port of Palos that Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492 on his voyage that culminated in the discovery of America.
"We have a good product to offer and this is reflected in the fact that we received 25.1 million tourists. This number has already been exceeded by one million this year," said Zarrias, who is the number two in the regional government that has a considerable amount of functional autonomy. "
Four out of every 10 visitors is a repeat traveller. This is obviously due to that something special to offer," Zarrias contended.
"We see India as a growing economic power of the 21st century and we would like to see more and more Indian tourists coming to Andalucia," said the minister, who is here with a three-member delegation.
A direct link between Europe and Africa, and the place where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean, Andalucia has been fought over by numerous cultures -the Romans, the Vandals of Germany, the Visigoths, the Moors, the Crusaders and finally the French - since the earliest times of civilization.
Andalucia covers 17.3 percent of Spanish territory. At 87,268 sq km, it is the country's single largest region, with an area greater than countries like Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland.
"In Andalucia, contrasts are the norm. The diversity of the landscapes which make up the region provides an entire spectrum: from the warm Guadalquivir valley, to leafy low mountain areas, from volcanic landscapes such as the Tabernas Desert to the white peaks of the Sierra Nevada," Zarrias pointed out.
"We stand at the crossroads of civilisations and the marks of history flourish in each village in Andalucia. The artistic wealth of this land is impressive and this legacy is unique in Europe," he said. Be it the Ahlambra in Granada, the Mosque in Cordoba, or the Giralda tower in Seville, all these are "monumental milestones on the road of mankind," Zarrias added.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Philippines Set Sights on Medical Tourism

The Department of Tourism (DOT) will host international buyers and sellers in medical tourism at the 2nd Annual International Medical Travel Conference (IMTC) to strengthen Philippines efforts as a major player in the global multi-billion medical tourism industry.

Held from the 20th to 23rd November 2007 at the Inter-Continental Hotel Manila, IMTC demonstrates Philippines’ capabilities in integrated medical tourism care through healthcare facility site visits, pre-conference workshops focusing on pre-travel considerations, hospital accreditation and packaging medical tourism, numerous networking sessions and post-event tours to rejuvenation sanctuaries.

“Medical Travel must be a sustainable and holistic experience. IMTC emulates the experience of a medical traveler arriving into the country for the first time for treatment. They will experience medical travel in a special event format that is designed to whet and appeal to your 5 senses,” according to Ms Geraldine Chew, General Manager, Avail Corporation and part of the judging panel on the International Medical Travel Excellence Awards.

“Our participants will get to see Philippines’ healthcare infrastructure and facilities through hospital site visits, touch a piece of paradise through experiencing Philippines wide array of spa treatments, rejuvenating meditation sanctuaries and savour the scents of local cuisines through special Kulinarya food trips at IMTC 2007 in Manila” added Geraldine.

Affectionately known as the pearl of the orient, the Philippines houses some of the best hospitals and stand-alone specialty clinics in the region, offering world-class expertise and state-of-the-art facilities at a fraction of the cost as compared to other industrialized countries. It is also home to some of the world’s best spa resorts and tour destinations in South East Asia. The Philippines truly provide the best of many worlds to the medical traveler.

Speakers from Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States will discuss a range of topics covering the entire value chain of medical travel, giving delegates a better understanding on issues such as patients’ perception of overseas medical service quality; participation from third party healthcare payer such as insurance, employer and government; regulations and accreditations, and the provision of end-to-end Medical Travel Service ranging from transportation, interpretation, logistics, hospitality care and post-care options.

IMTC will provide an educational platform not only to existing players in the medical travel industry but also to those who are going to embark on this lucrative industry. It offers great opportunities for all parties involved to establish ties and clinch business deals through the exclusive networking sessions, one-on-one meetings and exhibitions
Source: Arab Medical Tourism Magazine

Friday, October 12, 2007

AITEX 2007 Through Pictures

Angkor International Tourism Exchange (AITEX) 2007
1-3 October 2007. Siem Reap. Cambodia

A pictorial journey to AITEX 2007 ...

More Pictures on its way...

AITEX 2007 Media Report on :

AITEX 2007 - Bringing Cambodia Tourism Closer to the World

The 2nd Angkor International Tourism Exchange (AITEX) 2007 was held from 01 - 03 October 2007 at Angkor Convention and Exhibition Center – (Angkor COEX), in Seam Reap, Cambodia with a large number of participants including VIPs, Buyers, Sellers, Media and Visitors. The opening ceremony was presided over by H.E Dr. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Lok Chumteav and the welcome remarks were delivered by H.E. Dr Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia. Among other VIPS were H.E. Sam Promonea, Secretary of State, H.E. So Mara, Under Secretary of State, from Cambodia Tourism Ministry, H.E Nurrachman Oerip, Indonesia Ambassador, and H.E Sikonina Victor, Madagascar Ambassador. Over 35 local and international Media professionals were also present to cover the AITEX 2007 event.

AITEX 2007 was organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia in cooperation with APSARA Authority, Siem Reap Provincial Authority, Cambodia Association of Travel Agents (CATA), Cambodia Hotel Association (CHA) and other private sector participants.

A strong contingent of 127 international buyers from 29 countries and over 250 buyers from Thailand attended AITEX 2007 between 1 and 3 October 2007 to meet 154 sellers from Cambodia and other countries. The sellers represented from Asian countries as well as Provinces and Cities of Cambodia registering for 154 booths. They are NTO’s, tour operators, hotels, golf courses, destinations providers, airlines and travel businesses related. This was the largest tourism buyer-seller meeting, a record so far in Cambodia.

H.E Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism, said in his welcome remarks “I wish to take this opportunity to express my warmest welcome to delegations, clients, buyers, sellers, and national & international media professionals from around the world for attending the AITEX 2007 event and to experience the wonders of Cambodia. Your participation and support in this occurrence is really made this event more active and help accelerate the development of Cambodia’s tourism industry as well”.

Dr. Thong Khon said, through this event, we will show buyers and delegates Cambodia’s tourism potential. Cambodia is abundantly rich in a wide range of tourism potential diversities i.e. culture, nature, history and ecotourism, especially ancient millennium-built Angkor Wat temple which is the crucial heritage of Humanity, pristine white-sand beach, ecotourism in north-eastern part of the country, Mekong River Dolphin region including the pleasantry and sociability are the custom of our Cambodians. Adjacently, Cambodia has adequate satisfactory fundamental facilities and services to respond to the visitors’ requirements. He also said I hold a positive view that through this event, it will enhance our intercommunications and tourism cooperation of both public and private sectors between Cambodia and our friendly countries and other countries in the world.

At AITEX 2007, Ministry of Tourism showcased the beautiful model of Preah Vihear Temple as the center of attraction of Cambodia. There were also some provincial tourism booths, showcasing provincial tourism destinations of Cambodia. Among others to be noted were Singapore Tourism, Malaysia Tourism, Tourist Authority of Thailand, Lao Tourism, Philippines Tourism, Vietnam Tourism, Myanmar Tourism, South Africa Tourism, and many others.

A booth of special attention was the eVisa booth by Ministry of Foreign Affairs promoting tech-friendly eVisa to the international visitors and delegates. It was a good opportunity for delegates to know about the online eVisa of Cambodia. eVisa is highly appreciated in the travel industry and in one way it is helping Cambodia tourism to bring closer to the international travelers. To know more about online Cambodia eVisa, please check at: and experience by yourself.

Mr. Ho Vandy, President of CATA, appreciated the efforts of the organizing committee for bringing up such a major event AITEX, as a platform of Cambodia tourism exchange and network. He also said Cambodia Tourism is growing and has huge untapped potential and so we have a lot to offer to our guests and international visitors with our Cambodian hospitality. We need a lot of support and cooperation from the international travel industry to visit and explore the beautiful wonderland of Angkor.

Mr. Weng Aow and Ms Grace F Agatep, from Angkor Palace Resort & Spa, Member of World Hotels Deluxe Collection were very optimistic and said they are looking forward for more business tie-ups and contracts.

A media briefing with a theme as “Cambodia Economic and Sustainable Tourism Development” was presided over by H.E. So Mara, Under Secretary of State of Tourism Ministry and Permanent Vice Chairman of the AITEX 2007 Organizing Committee. Mr. Mey Marady, Deputy Director General – In charge of Tourism, APSARA Authority, Mr. Pak Sokhom, Director, Marketing Department and Mr. Kong Sopheareak, Director, Statistic’s Department of Ministry of Tourism, also addressed the delegates in the media conference.

Mr. So Mara, said that Under brilliant and sound leadership of Samdech HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia the tourism industry of Cambodia has remarkably developed for recent years with an annual increase from 20%-30%. The Royal Government has incurred political stability, social security and safety, developing physical infrastructure, issued forth its discernible active policy, human resources development, strengthening quality of tourism products and domestic and international promotion and marketing are the determinant element, and key foundation for tourism development of Cambodia.

Mr. Mey Marady highlighted the role of APSARA Authority and also shared to the media and delegates that how APSARA and MOT are jointly promoting the World Heritage Angkor complex and the region of Siem Reap, which is the major source of tourism revenue. He also stressed on the preservation and conservation efforts by the APSARA Authority, the care taker of UNESCO’s World Heritage Angkor Archeological Park.

Mr. Pak Sokhom gave a wonderful presentation on sustainable tourism development, which is the main agenda of Royal Government of Cambodia in terms of tourism development. In his presentation he highlighted the marketing strategies and policies of Cambodia Tourism and also assured that his department is actively working and sourcing various ways to promote the Cambodia Tourism.

Mr. Kong Sopheareak presented the tourism statistics of Cambodia, which gave the insight of international tourist’s arrival. In 2006, Cambodia witnessed 1.7 million international visitors in creased 20% compared over 2005; generated national revenue USD 1.05 billion and created 250,000 jobs. For this first eight months of 2007, Cambodia witnessed approximately 1.3 million international visitors with an increase of 19% and it is expected that by the end of 2007 Cambodia will receive around 2 million international visitors.

In the media briefing there were various questions related to eVisa, Border Tourism, Infrastructure Development, Airlines, destinations, Heritage tourism, ecotourism and a bunch of related topics. The media appreciated the remarks by H.E So Mara and by the fellow presenters. Finally He assured the delegates, that they will keep on doing their best in presenting the Cambodia Tourism as an excellent opportunity for travel industry.

Mr. Dararith Lim, Mr. Plong Thoeun, and Mr. Chhoeng Monny from Ministry of Tourism's Marketing Department were all very optimistic about the event and they were constantly trying to assist all the delegates through out the show.

The AITEX 2007 offered the opportunity for delegates and the media to source the latest information on tourism product’s, establish new business contacts and learn about new tourism trends in the Cambodia and the Region. The core objective was to promote Cambodia products and services such as tourist attractions, heritage destinations, ecotourism destinations, costal destinations, Tourism investment opportunities and Tourism Activities. It was the largest travel trade show of its kind in Cambodia. The event lasted for three days (1-3 Oct 2007), and believed to contribute to Cambodia tourism by providing the opportunity for buyers and sellers to exchange business and to strengthen and broaden tourism cooperation between all participants and deeper insight on Cambodia tourism development and opportunity.

The delegates had a chance to experience and witness events like Siem Reap City Tour, UNESCO designated World Heritage Angkor Temples Tour, Late Night Party by Sokha Angkor Resort, and a Grand gala dinner hosted by Ministry of Tourism along with APSARA Authority at the Angkor Temple complex, where the delegates had the opportunity to experience the Apsara and khmer classical dance show.

Over all the show was organized excellently with its available infrastructure and human resources. The show presented a common platform to share and build network with tourism professionals and also to gain the knowledge about Cambodia Tourism Industry. A lot of appreciations and thanks to the Ministry of Tourism, and their officials, contributing Partner Hotels, and other service providers during the three day event for organizing a wonderful and memorable event. The AITEX organizing committee assured that they will bring more success stories to the Cambodia tourism in the coming years. It’s just the beginning of the success story.

For the next AITEX 2008, please remember to register at

Friday, October 5, 2007

Impressive Speech by Cambodia Tourism Minister at AITEX 2007

Welcome Speech By:

H.E. Dr. THONG Khon, Minister of Tourism. Kingdom of Cambodia.
In the Occasion of 2nd Angkor International Tourism Expo (AITEX 2007)
Siem Reap Province. Cambodia. 1st October 2007

- His Excellency Dr. SOK An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in-charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Lok Chumteav;
- Excellencies, my dear buyers and sellers, Ladies and Gentlemen:

First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia and the Organising Committee for AITEX 2007, please kindly permit me to express my pleasure and profound gratitude for the valued presence of His Excellency Dr. SOK An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in-charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers and Lok Chumteav—honourably presided over this opening ceremony of the 2nd Angkor International Tourism Exchange (AITEX 2007).

I wish also to take this opportunity to express my warmest welcome to delegations, clients, buyers and sellers and national and international media professionals from around the world attended this principal AITEX 2007 event being held on the great eminent land of ours. Your participation and support in this occurrence is really made this event more active and help accelerate the development of Cambodia’s tourism industry as well.

Today, the Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia really has great honour and pride in organising this 2nd AITEX 2007 which is being held in the magnificent building of Angkor COEX covering an area of 8,000 square-metres in Siem Reap and this type of Expo is the 3rd time for Cambodia.

I wish to take this opportunity to report to Your Excellency Deputy Prime Minister and all distinguished guests about the organisation of 2nd AITEX 2007. So far, we have received intraregionally and globally 29 countries i.e. Australia, Belgium, China, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, Indonesia, Italy, Lao PDR, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Arab Emirate Union, USA and Vietnam amongst these countries:

- There are approximately 396 Buyers from around the world;
- Overseas sellers from 10 different countries, seven countries are NTOs (Vietnam, Lao PDR, Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines) and other three are private (China, South Africa and Vietnam);
- Domestic sellers who are hoteliers, restaurateurs, travel agents, tour operators and airlines companies and one village – one product, totally 160 booths; and
- There are 17 International and 18 national media professionals.
The organisation of this event is a great occasion for intercommunication of domestic and subregional sellers and buyers from around the globe to exchange opinions as well as to improve linkages of their tourism business.
- Excellency Deputy Prime Minister and Lok Chumteav;
- Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

Under brilliant and sound leadership of Samdech HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia the tourism industry of Cambodia has remarkably developed for recent years with an annual increase from 20%-30%. The Royal Government has incurred political stability, social security and safety, developing physical infrastructure, issued forth its discernible active policy, human resources development, strengthening quality of tourism products and domestic and international promotion and marketing are the determinant element, and key foundation for tourism development of Cambodia.

In 2006, Cambodia witnessed 1.7 million international visitors in creased 20% compared over 2005; generated national revenue USD 1.05 billion and created 250,000 jobs. For this first eight months of 2007, we witnessed approximately 1.3 million international visitors with an increase of 19% and it is expected that by the end of 2007 we will receive around 2 million international visitors.

Cambodia is abundantly rich in a wide range of tourism potential diversities i.e. culture, nature, history and ecotourism, especially ancient millennium-built Angkor Wat temple which is the crucial heritage of Humanity, pristine white-sand beach, ecotourism in north-eastern part of the country, Mekong River Dolphin region including the pleasantry and sociability are the custom of our Cambodians. Adjacently, Cambodia has adequate satisfactory fundamental facilities and services to respond to the visitors’ requirements.

Hopefully, delegations are welcomed hospitably and pleasantly.

I hold a positive view that through this event will enhance our intercommunications and tourism cooperation of both public and private sectors between Cambodia and our friendly countries and other countries in the world.

In conclusion, I wish all delegates, buyers and sellers, media professionals and distinguished guests be successful in your career and business and have a memorable stay in our Angkor splendour land.

Please allow me wishing Your Excellency Deputy Prime Minister and Lok Chumteav be healthy, full of wisdom, and more successful in the national duties and people.

Also, I wish Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen all the best with the five Buddha’s blessing longevity, colour, happiness, strength, prosperity and forever.

I have great honour to cordially invite His Excellency Dr. SOK AN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in-charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers to deliver keynote address for opening the inauguration of AITEX 2007.

Please Your Excellency

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hotel de la Paix - Chic Boutique Luxury Hotel

Experience Yourself

Hotel de la Paix offers a totally unique lifestyle experience. Surround yourself with exquisite designer taste. Savour the finest of foods and wines & experience the romantic candle-lit dinner. Indulge yourself within the most sensual of customised spa treatments and create your own timeless memories in an unforgettable location.

Hotel de la Paix in Siem Reap has been created by internationally acclaimed designer Bill Bensley. The five-star boutique hotel, which offers 107 spacious rooms including 9 roof top spa suites with private terraces and Jacuzzi spa pavilions and 6 courtyard rooms with large outdoor bathtubs on private garden terraces, is located 6 kilometers from the world heritage site of Angkor. The hotel is set around an inner courtyard of gardens and Khmer-style water features.

Hotel de la Paix, Cambodia is the most stylish of the Siem Reap hotels. Its hip combination of art deco and traditional Khmer design will inspire and excite you. It’s romantic and luxurious Spa Indochine, will relax and revive you, whilst it’s eco-tourism projects and community support, will motivate and move you.

Of all the Angkor hotels, it is unique in concept and operation and regularly provides guests with an once-in-a-lifetime, spiritually uplifting experience.

The deluxe boutique hotel offers guests outstanding levels of luxury and world-class dining and spa facilities. Set around an inner courtyard with stone gardens and water features, Hotel de la Paix´s art deco inspired design is complemented by strong Khmer influences that respect the past whilst embracing the future.

Excellently located in the heart of Siem Reap, Cambodia, within easily walking distance to the nightlife and colorful markets, and a few kilometers from the famous temple complexes of Angkor Wat, "delaPaix" is a favourite choice of accommodation when traveling to Siem Reap.

If you are looking for a luxury Siem Reap hotel, you need look no further.

Location of Hotel de la Paix

Hotel de la Paix enjoys a prime location within the centre of Siem Reap town, just footsteps from the colourful markets and vibrant night life of the bustling community – yet only six kilometers from the famous UNESCO world heritage site of Angkor Wat.

Hotel de la Paix is a 5 star Siem Reap hotel, the closest to the Siem Reap town centre. Visitors should not worry too much about which hotels are Angkor Wat hotels and which are Siem Reap hotels, since the distance from the Siem Reap town centre to Angkor Wat is only around six to seven kilometers.

The Angkor and Siem Reap areas cover such a small that several temples in the Angkor Wat complex and beyond can be reached quite easily in half a day. So come to Siem Reap and visit the most beautiful and majestic Angkor Wat, one of the forgotten wonders of the world!

Room Facilities at Hotel de La Paix

Deluxe Guestroom

All Deluxe Guestrooms are spacious and sumptuously appointed, offering an abundance of natural light and featuring views of urban streetscape or architecturally landscaped courtyard gardens. Chic interiors and contemporary furnishings, including handcrafted lamps and intricate wall mountings achieve a harmonious balance between modern design and traditional detailing. All Deluxe Guestroom are appointed with hardwood floors and complemented by rich textiles and accessories. All feature a day-bed, terrazzo soaking tub, separate shower stall with ornate fittings and custom designed amenities. All Deluxe Guestrooms include complimentary wireless internet connection and a pre-programmed iPod music system that may also be taken on outside excursions.

Deluxe Suite

Deluxe Suites overlook the interesting and colourful street life of Siem Reap. All offer stylish accommodation with expansive open-plan living space and an abundance of room to relax and unwind. Chic interiors and contemporary furnishings, including handcrafted lamps and intricate wall mountings achieve a harmonious balance between modern design and traditional detailing. All Deluxe Suites are appointed with hardwood floors and complemented by rich textiles and accessories. All feature a terrazzo tub and a separate shower stall with ornate fittings and custom designed amenities. All Deluxe Suites include complimentary wireless internet connection, a DVD player and a pre-programmed iPod music system that may also be taken on outside excursions.

Courtyard Garden Suite

Set within a walled courtyard, our 64 square meter Courtyard Garden Suites offer total privacy in tranquil surrounds. Chic interiors and contemporary furnishings, including handcrafted lamps and intricate wall mountings achieve a harmonious balance between modern design and traditional detailing. All Courtyard Garden Suites are appointed with hardwood floors and complemented by rich textiles and accessories. All feature an oversized soaking tub in private courtyard, and a separate shower stall with ornate fittings and custom designed amenities. All Courtyard Garden Suites include complimentary wireless internet connection, a DVD player and a pre-programmed iPod music system that may also be taken on outside excursions.

Pool Suite

The exclusive Pool Suite, with chic interiors and contemporary furnishings, offers a choice of indoor or outdoor living. Relax or dine on your private pool deck or plunge directly into the Khmer-inspired swimming pool and water garden. Chic interiors and contemporary furnishings, including handcrafted lamps and intricate wall mountings achieve a harmonious balance between modern design and traditional detailing. The Pool Suite is appointed with hardwood floors and complemented by rich textiles and accessories. It features a terrazzo tub and a separate shower stall with ornate fittings and custom designed amenities. Our Pool Suite includes complimentary wireless internet connection, a DVD player and a pre-programmed iPod music system that may also be taken on outside excursions.

Duplex Spa Suite

The Duplex Spa Suites offer two levels of luxury living space. Featuring bedroom, spa bed/massage area and a private rooftop terrace with lush garden and oversize plunge bath – this is the ideal spot to indulge oneself. Enjoy an alfresco meal, customised spa treatment or post-temple body massage within the privacy of your own rooftop hideaway. Chic interiors, including spiral staircase and contemporary furnishings offer the ultimate in style and ambience. Duplex Spa Suites feature handcrafted lamps and intricate wall mountings and are appointed with hardwood floors and complemented by rich textiles and accessories. The Duplex Spa Suites feature complimentary wireless internet connection, a DVD player and a pre-programmed iPod music system that may also be taken on outside excursions.

Hotel de la Paix, the finest collection of chic, boutique & luxury hotel will undoubtedly by a favourite choice of accommodation when traveling to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Hotel de la Paix
Sivutha Boulevard, Siem Reap. Cambodia.
Tel: + 855 63 966 000. Fax: + 855 63 966 001

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Miss Ethnic Vietnam 2007

Some 500 contestants of 40 ethnic groups have registered to participate in the first pageant contest named Miss Ethnic Vietnam 2007, the organising board said.

This is the most outstanding and most highly anticipated event in the Da Lat Flower Festival 2007, which is slated for December 15-22 at the Da Lat Centre for Cultural and Tourism Festival, in Da Lat city, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong.

The pageant aims to honour the culture of all ethnic groups in Vietnam. Contestants will compete in traditional costumes of their ethnic group, ao dai, swimsuit, night gown, interview and personal talents.

Miss Ethnic Vietnam will receive a crown, bonus worth VND100 million ($6,000), and a scholarship to Singapore worth $3,000.

The bonus for the first runner-up will be VND30 million ($1,800) and a $3,000 scholarship, while the second runner-up will take VND20 million and a $3,000 scholarship.

The organisers will present other sub-titles such as Miss Compassion, Miss Talent, Miss Tourism, Miss Mountain with bonuses of VND15 million and a $3,000 scholarship each, Miss Lotus (loveable face), Miss Wild Sunflower (best physical appearance), Miss Cherry (best hair), Miss Mimosa (best smile), Miss Rose (best presentation) with bonuses of VND5 million and gifts each.

The final night will be broadcast live on VTV1 channel and Lam Dong province’s local channel on December 21.

Source: VnMedia

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

ATF 2008 | Thailand @ World's Largest Column Free Exhibition Hall - IMPACT

Experience and Opportunity: ATF 2008 Thailand, will be held at the one of the finest Exhibition Venues in the World - IMPACT Muang Thong Thani.
IMPACT Muang Thong Thani provides "world of space" with more than 160,220-square-meters of usable space, parking areas for up to 20,000 cars, the finest local and international restaurants and dining outlets and a team of highly experienced staff.

IMPACT Muang Thong Thani is the perfect venue for large-scale events that require centralisation of various functions and activities while offering the most convenient services. The result will be a total event image of great success.

IMPACT meets all challenges with this new expansion, IMPACT Challenger, is set to become Asia's premier exhibition and convention center. The facility features the world's largest column-free exhibition hall, Asia's largest indoor exhibition center and Thailand's largest ballroom. It also offers indoor parking space for 2,500 cars.
IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center is a world class venue with state of the art facilities that offer the ultimate choice for your business success.
About ATF 2008
ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is the most significant annual tourism promotional event in Asia, hosted on a rotational basis among the member countries of ASEAN. Thailand is honored be the host for ATF 2008 from 18 to 26 January 2008 at Bangkok, which will be the 5th time since its establishment.

About Thailand
The Kingdom of Thailand, one of the worlds most vibrantand fascinating tourism destinations, has captivated travellers and business people from around the world. A rich cultural tradition, a wealth of natural beauty and wildlife, geographical and cultural diversity add to its allure.

Thailand is geographically well positioned and acts as a hub for the ASEAN region. Bangkok, the capital, has served as a trading centre for several centuries, and today still remains an important port of call for the international community. Well served by an efficient network of local, regional and international transportation links, Bangkok is within easy access of the major economies of the region. Over 80 airlines worldwide fly into the Kingdom's international airports.

Quick Links about ATF 2008 Thailand.

Buyer - ATF 2008
Seller - ATF 2008

Venue - ATF 2008

Programme - ATF 2008

Media - ATF 2008

About ATF 2008 Thailand

The Secretariat-ATF 2008
Tourism Authority of Thailand
1600 New Phetchaburi Road,
Makkasan Ratchathewi,
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel: (66 2) 250 5500 ext. 1205, 1206, 1207
Direct Line (66 2) 250 5602 Fax: (66 2) 250 5603
General Information:

Monday, October 1, 2007

Brunei Darussalam: The Green Heart of Borneo !

Brunei, a rainforest covered gem of a country nestled on the northern shores of the island of Borneo, is a refreshing tourist destination offering a richly diverse natural and cultural heritage, a centuries old majestic Royal heritage and an exciting contemporary side of magnificent accommodation, premium golf, first class diving and modern and efficient infrastructure.

As a prosperous oil and gas producing nation with a small, peace loving population ruled benevolently by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, the 29th of an unbroken line dating back 600 years, Brunei is a safe, stable, healthy, wholesome and sincerely hospitable society.

With many natural, cultural and leisure activities available within easy reach in this small sized Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures, Brunei promises wholesome fun and excitement for families, honeymooners or those with interests such as nature, golf or diving.

A clean and pollution free environment, the near absence of traffic jams, un-crowded streets and a healthy lifestyle, make Brunei a perfect getaway for short holidays or for a break from the hectic pace of urban living.

For longer vacations, Brunei combines perfectly with the rest of Borneo, for which it is the international gateway. Brunei can also nicely complement multi-destination trips to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manila, Bali, Dubai or any other destination in the Royal Brunei Airlines regional network, or can be an attractive stopover on the way to or from Australia and New Zealand.

Brunei’s tranquility, safety, first class amenities and distraction free environment make the destination ideal for focused and productive incentive trips, business meetings, brainstorming sessions, corporate retreats, team building events or conferences, while its opulent surroundings can give a definite touch of prestige to any product launch.

The potential visitors can check the website ( ) for the information needed to better prepare their visit, and that those undecided will be convinced to include Brunei in their travel plans.
Brunei Darussalam: The Green Heart of Borneo !
A distinctive, exciting and undiscovered travel destination in Asia.

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