Tourism & Travel Trade Shows 2011

IT&CM China 2011 13-15 April 2011, Shanghai, China. India Travel & IT Mart 2011 11-13 August 2011, Hyderabad, India

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cambodia Develops Preah Vihear as Cultural Heritage and Eco Tourism Destination

Cambodia to Develop Preah Vihear as Cultural Heritage Tourism Destination

In recent years, the Royal government of Cambodia has given priority to development of tourism industry, focusing on cultural and eco-tourism in order to promote the advancement of national economy and rapid poverty alleviation.

Tourism Minister Dr. Thong Khon said that tourism plays a significant role in generating employment opportunities and expanding national economic base through its linkages with the agricultural, industrial and service sectors. The Minister pointed out that Cambodia's tourism sector is the key to the country's development, thus helping economic development and poverty alleviation.

In response to the government's decision, on March 16, 2008, the Ministry of Tourism, Preah Vihear National Authority, APSARA Authority, CATA, CHA and other tourism industry members conducted a Site visit to one of the greatest Khmer temples of all times Prasat Preah Vihear, an 11th century monument in Preah Vihear province, northern Cambodia.

The Cambodian government will develop the Preah Vihear temple into a cultural tourism destination in an effort to reach the goal of attracting 3 million tourists by 2010.

Tourism Minister Dr. Thong Khon, Mr. Hang Soth, General Director of the Preah Vihear National Authority, said that roads and infrastructure should be developed first so as to attract tourists. Mr. Ho Vandy, CATA President also stressed the same as an important factor to develop the tourism in the northern region of Cambodia.

The authorities have already outlined a plan to gear toward cultural and eco-tourism since Cambodia abounds with enormous potential in cultural and natural heritage, and most of which has not yet developed.

Tourism Minister Dr. Thong Khon stressed that the ministry has accelerated its efforts in order to make a northern cultural tourist attractions, adding that in the mean time, the ministry also has done its best to set up other cultural sites for tourism development.

To promote the development of cultural and eco-tourism the Ministry of Tourism, together with relevant ministries, authorities and international community, has made efforts to improve the efficiency of administration in tour operations and services, as well as to train human resources.

In recent years, the government allocated more financial budget for rehabilitation of roads in order to facilitate tourists.

Depending on its enriched cultural and natural resources, the Cambodian authorities are determined to convert the country into the most preferred cultural and eco-tourist destination in the region.

Preah Vihear Temple is located in a pleasant environment with an attractive countryside slightly east of the mid section of the Dongrek Mountains. It is perched on the edge of a giant cliff, about 525 meters above sea level in Preah Vihear Province, Northern part of Cambodia. It is also situated close to the Cambodia-Thai border Sisaket province.

The Preah Vihear temple was built from year 900 to 1150. Preah Vihear, which means sacred monastery in Khmer, was built over a span of about 300 years, starting in the 9th century.

The Cambodian Government has proposed the sacred Hindu Temple Preah Vihear to the UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee to officially list as World Heritage site because of its outstanding historical, cultural and universal value.

Explore Cambodia's Heritage Prasat Preah Vihear

Prasat Preah Vihear

Prasat Preah Vihear is a Khmer Angkor era temple situated atop a 525-meter cliff in the Dangrek Mountains in Cambodia just across the border from Thailand. The view from here is as dramatic as it sounds, with the panoramic scene stretching for miles and miles. Affording a view for many kilometers across a plain, it has the most spectacular setting of all the temples built during the six-century-long Khmer Empire. As a key edifice of the empire's spiritual life, it was supported and modified by successive kings and so bears elements of several architectural styles. Preah Vihear is unusual among Khmer temples in being constructed along a long north-south axis, rather than having the conventional rectangular plan with orientation toward the east. The temple gives its name to Cambodia's Preah Vihear province, in which is located.

The journey to the Temple from the Cambodian side is more of an adventure though and very much a highlight of the trip. It may be a hard and arduous journey, though the route is becoming easier with more roads getting sealed each year, but the smile on your face when you first see Prasat Preah Vihear makes it all worth it.

The history of Prasat Preah Vihear

The Temple of Prasat Preah Vihear was built over a period of time stretching through the reign of seven Khmer Monarchs. The Temple was started during the reign of Yasovarman I, who was in power from 889-910AD and was finished during the years of Suryavarman II (who built the great temples of Angkor) 1112-1152AD.

Prasat Preah Vihear translates into English as 'Sacred Monastery' and was a major pilgrimage site during the Angkor years. The Temple was dedicated to Shiva, a Hindu deity and worshippers from all over the Khmer World (and some from further away) came to ask for Shiva's blessing.

Plan of the Temple

Construction of the first temple on the site began in the early 9th century; both then and in the following centuries it was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva in his manifestations as the mountain gods Sikharesvara and Bhadresvara. The earliest surviving parts of the temple, however, date from the Koh Ker period in the early 10th century, when the empire's capital was at the city of that name. Today, elements of the Banteay Srei style of the late 10th century can be seen, but most of the temple was constructed during the reigns of the kings Suryavarman I (1002–1050) and Suryavarman II (1113–1150). An inscription found at the temple provides a detailed account of Suryavarman II studying sacred rituals, celebrating religious festivals and making gifts, including white parasols, golden bowls and elephants, to his spiritual advisor, the aged Brahman Divakarapandita. The Brahman himself took an interest in the temple, according to the inscription, gifting it with a golden statue of a dancing Shiva.

The Temple

The temple complex runs 800m along a north-south axis, and consists essentially of a causeway and steps rising up the hill towards the sanctuary, which sits on the cliff top at the southern end of the complex (120m above the northern end of the complex, 525m above the Cambodian plain and 625m above sea level). Although this structure is very different from the Temple Mountains found at Angkor, it serves the same purpose as a stylised representation of Mount Meru, the home of the gods.

The approach to the sanctuary is punctuated by five gopuras (these are conventionally numbered from the sanctuary outwards, so gopura five is the first to be reached by visitors). Each of the gopuras before the courtyards is reached by a set of steps, and so marks a change in height which increases their impact. The gopuras also block a visitor's view of the next part of the temple until he passes through the gateway, making it impossible to see the complex as a whole from any one point.

The fifth gopura, in the Koh Ker style, retains traces of the red paint with which it was once decorated, although the tiled roof has now disappeared. The fourth gopura is later, from the Khleang/Baphuon periods, and has on its southern outer pediment, "one of the masterpieces of Preah Vihear" (Freeman, p. 162): a depiction of the Churning of the Sea of Milk. The third is the largest, and is also flanked by two halls. The sanctuary is reached via two successive courtyards, in the outer of which are two libraries. To the left of the Sanctuary is Pei Ta Da Cliff, which allows those wonderful views over the Cambodian lowlands.

Visiting Prasat Preah Vihear

There are two possible ways of visiting Prasat Preah Vihear; the first is from the Cambodia side and second from Thailand side of the border. The Cambodia side is more of an adventure, coming across the Cambodian lowlands to the Temple from Siem Reap or Phnom Penh.

There is a new 'packed laterite access road' from Siem Reap to Prasat Preah Vihear which goes via Anlong Veng. This is around 210 kilometers and the quicker of the two routes. It would be best to hire a 4 wheel drive with driver as the road is bit adventurous.

The second route is from Siem Reap to Prasat Preah Vihear, going via Koh Ker and on through the Kulen Prum Tep Wildlife Sanctuary. This is also an adventurous route.

Asia Pacific Tourism Revenues Set To Rise To US$4.6 Trillion By 2010

Despite concerns over a US recession, PATA's new Forecasts predict a bright future for the region, with China (PRC) and Korea (ROK) set to generate strong outbound growth to Asia Pacific destinations.

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is forecasting robust growth for travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific region, with tourism revenues to top US$4.6 trillion and visitor arrivals to reach close to 500 million by the end of 2010.

These remarkable figures headline PATA's newly-published Asia Pacific Tourism Forecasts 2008-2010, officially launched in Singapore today in partnership with the Singapore Tourism Board.

Despite regional stock market volatility and uncertainty over local impacts of a possible US recession, the PATA Forecasts predict robust average annual growth rates of between 7 and 8%.

PATA Director, Strategic Intelligence Centre, John Koldowski, explains that as much as two-thirds of all international arrivals into Asia Pacific are generated from within the region.

"Due to the global nature of business, Asian markets will inevitably be impacted by a slowdown in the US economy triggered by the credit crunch. However, the medium-term outlook for most Asian economies is very strong with growth rates well above world averages," he says.

Mr Koldowski notes that localised issues and conflicts, including political and civil disruption in some markets, could pose a greater threat to tourism growth.

The 40 Asia Pacific destinations covered by the Forecasts account for close to 98% of all international arrivals measured and tracked across the Asia Pacific region in a given year making them a compelling measure of total activity across the wider Asia Pacific region as defined by PATA.

Highlights of the Forecasts include:
  • Strong outbound growth - in volume - from China (PRC), Korea, Singapore and the US;
  • Strong outbound growth - in percentage terms - from Gulf markets (including Bahrain and Oman) and Greater Mekong region markets (including Myanmar, Lao PDR and Vietnam);
  • Fiji and Nepal are showing extremely positive trends after periods of political uncertainty;
  • Asia to dominate growth: by 2010 Asia will receive the same number of international visitors as the whole Asia Pacific region did in 2006.

Produced by PATA's Strategic Intelligence Centre (SIC), the annual forecasts have become the bedrock for future planning by thousands of travel and tourism operators, national tourism organisations and airlines.

"These Forecasts are the bedrock of the information that PATA provides members and partners in the travel and tourism industry. They are indispensable for anyone from the tiniest spa in Bhutan to a global airline or national tourism organization," said Mr John Koldowski, Director of the SIC.

"The forecasts have proven highly accurate, with the 2007 forecasts falling within 3% of the actual at the time of publishing the new edition," he added.

Created using the very latest forecasting models by respected academics and industry experts - Professor Lindsay Turner of Victoria University and Professor Stephen Witt from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- the PATA Forecasts are geared for use by everyone in travel and tourism. The intelligence contained is structured to be of daily, practical and demonstrable value to everyone whose business is travel and tourism.

Singapore Tourism Board's Mr. Soo Siew Keong, Director of International Relations, said PATA's Forecasts were very much in line with the country's stated Tourism 2015 goals of S$30 billion in tourism receipts and 17 million visitor arrivals.

"With numerous new attractions and exciting events coming on stream in Singapore over the next years, we remain on track to achieve our tourism objectives. In this regard, PATA's Forecasts are useful as they offer valuable insights by which we can plan and strategize for future growth", said Mr. Soo.

PATA Strategic Intelligence Centre
Mr Oliver Martin
Office: +66 2 658 2000 extension 129
Mobile: +66 81 9088638

Agoda Awarded ‘Best Accommodation’ Website in Asia by TravelMole

Online hotel booking site Agoda Company has been awarded the ‘Best Accommodation’ website in Asia at the inaugural TravelMole Web Awards for Asia in Singapore.

Known as the “Moscars,” winning entries came from around the region, and the judges reportedly had a hard time choosing winners from a list of 200 nominees for the various categories, but those chosen represent the “best of the best” in their categories. Besides Agoda, other award winners included QANTAS (best airline), Anantara (best hotel/resort) and (best online travel agency). The awards were presented yesterday in Singapore in conjunction with the annual Travel Distribution Summit conference.

Commenting on the award, Agoda Company President Robert Rosenstein said, “We are proud and honored to have been chosen as the ‘Best Accommodation’ website in Asia by TravelMole. Our philosophy on the web has always been to offer simple and clean design with a lot of choices for customers. And of course, we always demand the best prices for our customers, no matter where in Asia they are looking to book hotels. Our team is honored to be recognized by this award.”

According to Rosenstein the company’s success has often been attributed to easy to use web pages where people can select hotels in a city such as Bangkok, Singapore or Hong Kong and detailed information pages. “For example, the Oriental Riverside Hotel in Shanghai has a rich information page with 8 photos, map info and customer reviews in which customers rank the property. Agoda has embraced web2.0 with a site where customers can share blogs and photos, and also offers a popular rewards program, which offers discounts on future stays,” he stated.

Charles Kao, head of Travelmole, said, “I congratulate the Asia Pacific travel and tourism industry for its excellent participation in putting forward 200 web site nominees. And, thank you to our judging panel for their fine and diligent work as well as EyeforTravel for their support in hosting the award lunch ceremonies at Suntec Convention Centre.”

Award judges were Damien Pfirsch, Digital Strategy Director, Keen Media Co Ltd, Thailand; Joe Nguyen, Director of eCommerce, Millennium&Copthorne Hotels, Singapore; Joe Buhler, Sr Destination Marketing Analyst, PhoCusWright and Principal, Buhler Works, USA; Liz Craig, Principal, OneGlobe Network, France and USA.

For more information regarding, please access the company’s website at

About Agoda Company:
Agoda ( is an online hotel reservations service which specializes in securing the lowest discount hotel prices in Asia. Agoda is part of (Nasdaq:PCLN). Based in Singapore with operations in Bangkok and the Philippines, Agoda's network includes 7,000 hotels in Asia and more than 33,000 worldwide. The staff of 200 professionals provides a first-rate reservation service that uniquely combines local knowledge and local connections to provide the best hotel deals to both business and leisure travelers. In addition, Agoda customers participate in the Agoda Rewards Program, earning further discounts and free stays. Unlike programs that limit travelers to a single chain, the Agoda Rewards Program allows customers to redeem Rewards Points at any hotel, at any time. A member of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Agoda's aim is to promote travel by making it more affordable and more accessible to more people.

About TravelMole
TravelMole ( is one of the most respected global online travel and tourism industry publishers & publishes 15 eNewsletters to over 450,000 travel&tourism industry professional subscribers and 70 million consumers in 132 countries. TravelMole TV internet videos are broadcasted to a global audience of 150 million globally. TravelMole also facilitates cross-sector tourism stakeholder implementation of initiatives and investments that foster tourism related job creation, trade, and preservation of culture and environment through a US$ 6 million SME Education & Promotional Grant Fund to support the UN Millennium Development Goals and UNWTO Davos Declaration on Climate Change.Live at The Mole interviews, discussions and debates from ITB with WTTC, UNWTO&ETOA,Berlin; PATA CEO Challenge, Bangkok; IT&CM, Shanghai; WTTC Global Travel&Tourism Summit, Dubai; Arabian Travel Market, Dubai; INDABA, Durban; POW WOW, Durban; Australia Tourism Exchange, Perth; Institute of Travel & Tourism (ITT), Cyprus and 30 other events from around-the-world.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Macau sponsors "prestigious" Awards for 13th consecutive year

BANGKOK, March 17, 2008 - Industry stakeholders who have made outstanding contributions to responsibly develop and successfully promote travel and tourism in Asia Pacific can now submit entries to the 2008 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gold Awards programme.

PATA Gold Awards 2008 are open to both PATA members and non-members. The deadline for entries is April 30.

Judged by panels of experts, the Gold Awards recognise exceptional achievement in six broad categories:-

1) Marketing Campaign (six Gold Awards and one Grand Award)
2) Environment (three Gold Awards and one Grand Award)
3) Heritage & Culture (two Gold Awards and one Grand Award)
4) Education & Training (one Gold Award and one Grand Award)
5) Marketing Media (nine Gold Awards)
6) Travel Journalism (four Gold Awards)

In total, PATA will present up to 25 PATA Gold Awards and four elite PATA Grand Awards at a special luncheon on September 19, during PATA Travel Mart 2008 in Hyderabad, India.

Highlights of winning entries will be on display at the Mart for delegates to enjoy, and Award recipients will be featured in the 'Winners' Showcase' souvenir booklet.

PATA Gold Award winners attract invaluable media coverage via PATA press releases and will be entitled to leverage the prestigious PATA Gold Awards 2008 logo on their Web sites and collateral.

Sponsored by the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) for the past 12 years, the PATA Gold Awards set industry standards for excellence and innovation.

MGTO Director Mr João Manuel Costa Antunes said: "Our continuous support to this prestigious awards program for 13 years mirrors Macau's strong commitment to contribute to the development of the travel industry in our region. By recognising outstanding achievements, we are also spurred to strive for excellence."

PATA President and CEO Mr Peter de Jong said: "This year we encourage everyone to submit their entries in soft copy; to reduce pressures on our environment and to help us engage more international judges."

PATA Gold Awards details, entry forms and information about past winners are available at

Ms Paveena Niemwongse
Tel: +66 (0) 2658-2000 ext 116
Web site:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sokha Club Hotel - Grand Opening on 09 March 2008

Another Luxury Collections by Sokha Hotels & Resorts @ Phnom Penh - Sokha Club Hotel

Sokha Hotels & Resorts unveils its new brand on 09 March 2008. The Sokha Club Hotel located in the heart of Phnom Penh, the property boasts of its 16 spacious rooms. All Superior and Deluxe rooms are tastefully furnished in contemporary design with a view of the city, equipped with Cable TV, Broadband Internet Access and amenities to the comfort of every business and leisure travelers.

Jasmine Spa
A signature spa of Sokha Hotels & Resorts provides a wide range of treatment from head to toe. 14 Massage Rooms, 1 Foot Reflexology Room, Gymnasium, separate Jacuzzi, Sauna, Steam Bath and Lockers for male and female.
Time of Operation: 07.00 - 22.00
Treatment Time: 09.00 - 22.00

Le Mediterranean
Specialized in Mediterranean cuisine, offering a choice of indoor and al fresco dining under the stars. It is an ideal place to unwind at the Bar with accompaniment of live band performance direct from the Philippines.
Lunch: 11.30 - 14.00
Dinner: 18.00 - 22.00

Cafe featuring Chinese and Khmer cuisines with daily buffet food promotions and a la carte orders.
Breakfast: 06.30 - 10.00
Lunch: 11.30 - 14.00
Dinner: 18.00 - 22.00

Karaoke with 5 VIP KTV rooms, each can accommodate up to 20 persons and 7 KTV rooms for10 persons. All private rooms are set up with the latest audio visual and sound system.
Monday to Friday: 18.00 - 02.00
Weekend and PH: 14.00 - 0 2.00

Entertainment Club
Enjoy a variety of table top games and slot machines for favorite past time.
Time: 24hours

For more information, please contact our Guest Service Manager
No 63, Preah Norodom Blvd, Sangkat Phsar Thmey III, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 990 123. Fax: +855 23 990 151

Developing Countries lead Dynamic World Tourism Growth

International tourist arrivals exceeded 6% growth in 2007 on the back of strong global economic growth. Developing countries grew by 8%.

These figures again underscore UNWTO’s long held view that sustainable tourism can play a major role in helping to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals, in two way world services trade and in responding positively to climate change imperatives.

The market share of developing countries has grown to 40% of worldwide international arrivals - up from 34% in 2000:
  • Worldwide international tourist arrivals increased to 898 million – an overall 32% increase. An average 4% growth a year
  • Developing countries international tourist arrivals increased to 360 million. - an overall 54% increase. An average 6% growth a year
  • The 50 least developed countries international tourist arrivals increased to 13 million – an overall 110% increase. An average 11% growth a year.
Governments have become increasingly aware of the possibilities opened by tourism for social and economic development and for job creation.

It has encouraged investment in tourism infrastructure in countries from Asia and the Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America.

It has at the same time boosted intra regional travel with strong demand from emerging middle classes - with increasing long term potential in all world markets.

2008 Outlook
UNWTO expects international tourist arrivals to continue its positive growth trends this year, but at a moderated rate.

After four consecutive years of strong growth, less favourable global economic prospects, continuing high oil prices and greater uncertainty are key factors. Estimates stay close to the long-term yearly growth rate of 4.1% through 2020, estimated by UNWTO.

Again, developing countries will be among the frontrunners and continue their strength of the past years. Most regions are expected to sustain their current growth trend in 2008, but at a somewhat slower rate.

UNWTO Tourism 2020 Vision

Tourism 2020 Vision is the World Tourism Organization's long-term forecast and assessment of the development of tourism up to the first 20 years of the new millennium. An essential outcome of the Tourism 2020 Vision are quantitative forecasts covering a 25 years period, with 1995 as the base year and forecasts for 2010 and 2020.

Although the evolution of tourism in the last few years has been irregular, UNWTO maintains its long-term forecast for the moment. The underlying structural trends of the forecast are believed not to have significantly changed. Experience shows that in the short term, periods of faster growth (1995, 1996, 2000) alternate with periods of slow growth (2001 to 2003). While the pace of growth till 2000 actually exceeded the Tourism 2020 Vision forecast, it is generally expected that the current slowdown will be compensated in the medium to long term.

UNWTO's Tourism 2020 Vision forecasts that international arrivals are expected to reach nearly 1.6 billion by the year 2020. Of these worldwide arrivals in 2020, 1.2 billion will be intraregional and 378 million will be long-haul travellers.

The total tourist arrivals by region shows that by 2020 the top three receiving regions will be Europe (717 million tourists), East Asia and the Pacific (397 million) and the Americas (282 million), followed by Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

East Asia and the Pacific, Asia, the Middle East and Africa are forecasted to record growth at rates of over 5% year, compared to the world average of 4.1%. The more mature regions Europe and Americas are anticipated to show lower than average growth rates. Europe will maintain the highest share of world arrivals, although there will be a decline from 60 per cent in 1995 to 46 per cent in 2020.

Long-haul travel worldwide will grow faster, at 5.4 per cent per year over the period 1995-2020, than intraregional travel, at 3.8 per cent. Consequently the ratio between intraregional and long-haul travel will shift from around 82:18 in 1995 to close to 76:24 in 2020.

Historical Perspective of World Tourism

International tourist arrivals exceeded 6% growth in 2007 on the back of strong global economic growth. Developing countries grew by 8%.
Worldwide international tourist arrivals increased to 846 million in 2006 and 898 million in 2007. An average 4% growth a year
The substantial growth of the tourism activity clearly marks tourism as one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena of the past century. The number of international arrivals shows an evolution from a mere 25 million international arrivals in 1950 to an estimated 806 million in 2005, corresponding to an average annual growth rate of 6.5%

During this period, development was particularly strong in Asia and the Pacific (13% on average a year) and in the Middle East (10%) while the Americas (5%) and Europe (6%), grew at a slower pace and slightly below the world's average growth. New destinations are steadily increasing their market share while more mature regions such as Europe and the Americas tend to have less dynamic growth. Europe's world share declined by over 10 percentage points since 1950 whereas the Americas lost 13 percentage points. Though the Americas' performance has been most affected by the declines suffered in the past years, the fact is that its annual average growth rate for the period 1950-2000 was 5.8%, also bellow the average for the world (6.8%).

Europe and the Americas were the main tourist-receiving regions between 1950 and 2000. Both regions represented a joint market share of over 95 per cent in 1950, 82% forty years later and 76% in 2000.

For complete data:

>> International Tourist Arrivals, 1950-2005
>> International Tourism Receipts (Euro and US$), 1950-2005
>> International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by region and country


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cambodia's Ecotourism on Agenda at MOT's Annual Conference

Development of Ecotourism in the Northern provinces and coastal regions will be the next area of tourism expansion in Cambodia, government officials said Tuesday. “We are setting goals to develop Ecotourism which is based on natural resources,” Cabinet Minister Sok An said during the launch of the government’s 2007 tourism report. He said that several areas in the provinces of Ratanakkiri, Mondolkiri, Kratie and Stung Treng as well as along the coast are being developed for Ecotourism. “It is called Responsible Tourism,” Sok An added.

Tourism Minister Dr. Thong Khon told the conference that due to growing international concern over global warming, Ecotourism sites will draw particular attention. According to the 2007 tourism report 120,000 international tourists and 764,000 local tourists visited coastal Cambodia in 2007. Dr. Thong Khon said 229,800 Cambodian and 40,000 foreign tourists visited Ratanakkiri, Mondolkiri, Kratie and Stunng Treng provinces in 2007

Cambodia Tourism Booms
The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) says investment in the country's tourism sector has increased nine-fold in a year.

The Council says China, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia and Australia has invested $US1.26 billion into Cambodia's tourism industry in 2007.

Cambodia is encouraging more investment in the tourism sector, especially for construction of hotels and resorts aimed at foreign tourists.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

World Heritage Sites in Southwestern India - Maharashtra

Maharashtra, India’s third largest state, home to the cosmopolitan capital of Mumbai (Bombay), offers visitors a unique array of experiences, ranging from beautiful landscapes of tropical forests to relaxing beaches on the Arabian Sea. What is most breathtaking of Maharashtra is its deep history and position as home to hundreds of archaeological sites, including four designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)– as World Heritage sites to be protected and preserved by the law. Maharashtra’s four World Heritage sites include the rock cut-temples of Ajanta and Ellora, the Elephanta caves, and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai (Bombay).

Ajanta Caves
The Ajanta caves are a source of tremendous pride for Maharashtra. The rock-cut caves, which lie in the form of a gigantic horseshoe, illustrate the skill and artistry that Indian craftsmen achieved several hundred years ago. Dating from 100 B.C., these caves were carved out of solid rock with only a hammer and chisel. Many of the caves are elaborated with detailed carvings on walls, pillars and entrances and feature intricate paintings. These works exemplify the finest and oldest examples of Buddhist frescoes in the world.

Ellora Caves
The cave temples and monasteries at Ellora, form an enormous complex carved out of the vertical face of an escapement north of the city of Aurangabad. Extending in a linear fashion, the 34 caves fall into three distinct categories: Buddhist, Hindu and Jain. The Buddhist caves contain intricate Buddhist related carvings; the Hindu caves contain sculptures of Hindu deities; and the Jain caves, the most striking of these caves are known as Indra Sabha and provide visitors with a sense of mystery and spirituality found nowhere else.

Elephanta Caves
The Elephanta Caves are the heart of the Elephanta Island, located in the Mumbai harbor. The “City of Caves,” is a temple complex said to be the abode of Shiva and is created from one large piece of rock. The Elephanta Caves cover an area of 60,000 sq ft, consisting of a main chamber, two lateral ones, courtyards and subsidiary shrines. These caves contain beautiful, larger-than-life reliefs and sculptures depiciting the lives of Hindu deities, as well as a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus is an example of Victorian Gothic Revival architecture in India, and is the westernmost point for the Central Railways of India. Renowned for its ornamentation, the Victoria Terminus, as it is informally called, personifies colonial Raj architecture with an intricate façade and meticulously executed panels and frescos adorning the walls, arches and windows. This attractive site is located in the center of Mumbai (Bombay), Maharashtra’s capital.

The electrifying city of Mumbai is India’s financial epicenter and home to the eminent Bollywood, the world’s largest film industry. With a constant stream of musical, dance and theatrical performances, Mumbai caters to all visitors’ desires, and provides every experience from adventure to romance. Its variety of tourism offerings includes tropical beaches on the Arabian Sea, scenic drives, world-class theatres, lively nightclubs, ultra-modern bars and a diverse offering of restaurants.

About Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation:
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) was set up by the Government of Maharashtra in 1975. The objective of this government body is to develop and monitor incremental tourist traffic into the state.

Apart from acting as the primary agency of the state for promotion and development of tourism, MTDC also protects and enhances the state’s historical physical and cultural heritage. The State Tourism Board MTDC has been played a pivotal role in projecting the multifaceted culture and heritage of Maharashtra among visitors from all over India and the world.

For more information, visit

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Asian Airports Top World’s Best Airports List

The top spots of the Airports Council International (ACI)’s worldwide “Best Airport Worldwide Quality Survey (ASQ)” appraisal for 2007 Asian airports has awarded the top three spots for world’s best airports to Seoul Incheon (serving 25-49 million passengers annually) in South Korea, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (15-25 million) in Malaysia, respectively. Singapore comes third (25-49 million).

Two other Asian airports, Central Japan (5-15 million) and Hong Kong (over 40 million), were picked as winners in the five annual-passenger traffic size categories.

ASQ rankings are based on a survey of 34 airport service factors, from check-in through to departure at the gate, submitted by some 200,000 respondents.

In its appraisal, ACI said it sees “high correlation” between management commitment to service and passenger satisfaction in managing airports. “Service quality is a key discipline in the airport management process,” the group said.

According to ACI, this is the third year in a row Asia Pacific airports have garnered the three top positions in its “worldwide” category.

Incheon's management sees delivering a quality airport service as part of its overall tourism value chain - good for the airport and good for South Korea, said ACI. "This commitment is given very high priority politically as well as operationally by the airport's management."

The choice of KLIA as a triple-winner (also in the “Best Airport by Region” category) is remarkable considering it has been chosen ahead of other more established airports, including San Diego, Zurich, Vancouver and Melbourne airports in the “Size of Airport” category.

KLIA's management strategy of putting service above quality first in its objective of pursuing a "world class service" has been responsible for Malaysia being chosen, said Craig Bradbrook, program director of ACI.

Third place winner Singapore, on the other hand, has pursued this objective with determination for the past 20 years, working hard to build a reputation that has become synonymous with excellence apart from regularly introducing new services to serve passengers. "These are key factors that ensure year on year top performance levels."

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Changi Airport are also in line to be honored for “outstanding leadership in airport business for the past 20 years,” according to ACI director general Robert Aaronson.

A special recognition award will be awarded to Shanghai Airport Authority for its strong leadership in modernizing and expanding the airports under its authority. "They are models for our industry, individuals who are paving the way for airport excellence in times of growth and change. We want to reward them for their leadership, innovation and commitment to quality in airport service delivery,” ACI said.

Other regional winners announced are Oporto in Europe, Dallas Fort Worth in the US, Johannesburg in Africa Guayaquil in Latin America & Caribbean, and Tel Aviv in the Middle East.

ACI will hold its awards ceremony on April 1 during its two-day conference in Shanghai.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

TTM+ 2008 Message from the TAT Governor

Dear Travel and Tourism Industry friends,
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the Thailand Travel Mart 2008 Plus the Greater Mekong Subregion (TTM+ 2008) to be held in Bangkok between June 5-8, 2008.

After seven consecutive years of being jointly hosted by TAT and the Thai tourism industry, the TTM+ has gained a professional reputation among the Thai and international tourism industry as a "must-attend" trade event for those seeking to discover Thailand's renowned variety of tourism products and services as well as the unique destinations of the Greater Mekong Subregion countries.

Our campaign "Amazing Thailand" under the theme of "Seven Amazing Wonders" of Thailand covers products and services in many different market segments, such as health and wellness, adventure travel, eco-tourism, culture and heritage. At the same time, growing transportation linkages and better facilitation are making the GMS countries more accessible than ever before.

The TTM+ 2008 will target 500 quality invited buyers from major and emerging markets globally and 450 sellers in Thailand and the GMS countries as well as invited local and international media. I look forward to welcoming all participants and guests to TTM+ 2008.

Governor, Tourism Authority of Thailand
Chairperson, TTM+ 2008 Organizing Committee

Thailand Travel Mart 2008
Plus Amazing Gateway to Greater Mekong Sub-region (TTM + 2008)
June 5 - 8, 2008 Challenger 3, Impact Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2008

Thailand's largest B2B travel networking keeps getting better

Since 2001, the Tourism Authority of Thailand and our partners in the Thai tourism industry have played host to Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+), Thailand's largest B2B annual travel mart.

TTM+ has achieved worldwide recognition for showcasing Thailand's renowned tourism products as well as its important position as the gateway to the natural, cultural and historic treasures of the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Broaden your business horizons

During June 5 - 8, 2008, TTM+ will invite 400 quality buyers from traditional markets and key emerging markets with high outbound potential. These buyers are carefully matched in pre-scheduled appointments with over 400 sellers from Thailand and Greater Mekong Subregion countries.

All TTM+ registered Buyers and Sellers can take advantage of over 20 pre-scheduled appointments, which will match delegates according to the following priorities:

Perfect Match (Buyer and Seller request to meet each other)
Buyer's Request (Appointment by the Buyer's request)
Seller's Request (Appointment by the Seller's request)

Discover Thailand's world-renowned tourism treasures

As an added bonus, TTM+ buyers can also enjoy a full range of complimentary post-Mart tours showcasing Thailand's world-renowned natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. The Mart also offers a unique platform for travel trade to meet and exchange ideas on tourism trends that will impact Thailand, the region and the world.

Thailand Tourism Festival (TTF 2008)

Held in conjunction with TTM+, the annual Thailand Tourism Festival (TTF) is the country largest travel and tourism showcase event that includes many activities to promote the preservation of Thai culture, traditions and local lifestyle with stage performances and demonstration of local art and craft though four region villages. Visiting TTF would be a good opportunity to discover Amazing Thailand's destinations as well as the wide range of tourism products and activities nationwide.

Tentative Program for Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2008

June 4, 2008 (Wednesday)
• Booth decoration
• Buyer/Seller registration
• Buyer/Seller briefing
• Product briefing and Trends of the Thai Tourism Industry
• Onsite appointment scheduling
• TTM +2008 Welcome Reception

June 5, 2008 (Thursday)
• Visit Thailand Tourism Festival
• Buyer meets Seller
• Submission of reimbursement documents
• Lunch
• Appointment Session 1

June 6, 2008 (Friday)
• Appointment Session 2
• Lunch
• Appointment Session 3
• Reimbursements available for collection
• Buyer/Seller open networking
• TTM+2008 Thank You Party

June 7, 2008 (Saturday)
• Post-Mart tours for Buyers and Media
• TTM+ 2008 open for consumers

June 8, 2008 (Sunday)
• Post-Mart tours for Buyers and Media
• TTM+2008 open for consumers
• Exhibition tear-down (evening)

Download Application Form:

Europe, Africa and Middle East Division
Tel. 0 2250 5500 ext, 1265-7
Fax 0 2250 0557 and 0 2253 7437.

Angkor Palace Resort & Spa - Exotic Spa Resort of Cambodia

The name says it all – Angkor Palace Resort & Spa!

With the World Hotels portfolio, you can tailor a holiday that delivers the ultimate in style and comfort, yet is historically interesting at the same time. Discover the cultural heritage of Cambodia by visiting by visiting the Angkor Wat, one of the great wonders of the World.
Expereicne the heart of ultimate and bask in the splendor of elegance at Angkor Palace Resort & Spa, the perfect base to explore the legendary Angkor Temples and undiscovered treasures of Cambodia.

Start or finish your tour with a trip back in time at Siem Reap’s Angkor Palace Resort & Spa, the only Cambodia’s premier luxury spa resort in the city. It features a modern-day adaptation of traditional Cambodian architecture, spread over an impressive 11 hectares of lush landscape. After visiting the temples, rejuvenate body and soul the ancient Khmer way at the resorts’ Kainnora Spa.

The lush resort offers you the serenity of a secluded retreat whilst ensuring you are provided with every possible convenience. Located a mere 10 minutes from the airport and city centre as well as 20 minutes from the famed Angkor Wat, Angkor Palace Resort & Spa makes commuting from one destination to another an absolute breeze!

Immerse yourself in the heart of Cambodian culture – right in the comfort of your room! Each of the 259 spacious rooms pays tribute to the distinctive Cambodian tradition of Khmer artistry and architecture.

Each of the elegant rooms, suites and villas is tastefully furnished, boasting in room amenities and modern technological conveniences including broadband internet access – perfect for the tech-savvy traveler! All rooms and suites come with spacious private balconies

The exotic spa package comes with a spa of your choice, accommodation, daily breakfast, a three course set dinner featuring Khmer cuisine, and spa and beauty treatments.

Just as traditional Khmer architecture married spirituality with creativity, this versatility is recreated in the meeting and banquet facilities too. Be it a meeting for 10 persons, a conference for 200 or an evening cocktail or themed dinner around the spectacular pool side, the event will be a truly memorable one!

Golf enthusiasts can now indulge in the sport on a world class golf course designed by Nick Faldo, set against the backdrop of the Angkor temples.

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Angkor Palace Resort & Spa
#555, Khum Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
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